The Man and The Mind

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The Man and The Mind

         Throughout centuries human beings share something in common. In the biblical point of view we share something called "free will" which entitles us to make our own decisions. It is because of this so called "free will" that caused us to also share the "Original Sin" which in detail is disobedience. It is clear that because Adam and Eve had "free will" they were able to commit the sin of disobedience but is that really the case? Is free will the main cause factor that made Eve eat the forbidden fruit or is it something deeper?

         Some might think that it's temptation that triggered Eve to use her free will to commit the sin and this might be true but there is something much deeper going on. By now most of you might be thinking "What is this author mumbling about?" "What is the so called thing that we share in common that caused Eve to eat the fruit?". My only answer to that in this paragraph is "Patience" and no that is not what I am talking about. All will be revealed as you read through this chapter.

I need you to pause for a while and think about the question above before reading the next part of this chapter.

         If you are already reading this part of the chapter I assume that some of you are done thinking and some might already have the answer to the question. I also assume that some of you skipped the thinking part and just went straight to reading this part and of course there are also some who just licked back and remove from reading list but that's fine because by this point you'll start to think why you followed instructions and spent your time thinking about the question above when you can read the answer in the next paragraph and some of you might feel a little bad for not following instructions but that"s not a problem because it's all part of the plan to make you realize and have a concrete understanding of what I am talking about.

         I would like to apologize to the people who made it to this part because I know that your brain is itching to find out what I am talking about so without further ado the one thing humans share in common is the thing that let all of you to this part of this chapter and it is also the thing that led some or most people away and that is what we call "Curiousity".
It might sound ridiculous to some but it is what it is and it is in fact true. To have a clearer understanding, we must first keep in mind that there are many types of curiousity. In this chapter we would talk about three out of the many types of curiousity a man posses just to make things clear.

         The first type is what I call the "Contemplative Curiousity" where the man tends to spend more time thinking about the answer to the question or the effect of the action made before seeking the answers. The second type is the "Impatient Curiousity" which is already self explanatory where the man rushes to find the answers when he knows that he needs not to think about it too much to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. The last one is the "Irrelevant Curiousity". The reason why I said that it is alright if some of the readers hit the back button and remove from reading list button is because I am fully aware and I fully understand that the content of this material does not trigger their curiousity. They left because they did not find the content interesting and their mind led them be curious about something else like "I wonder if there's a better reading material other than this one?" or "I wonder if there's something better I could do?" Though their curiousity toward the other reading material or other activity might not be relevant to this one, it is also a type of curiousity that led them there.

         Now that we have a clearer understanding, we now know that curiousity is what led us to where we are now ever since we came into existence not only in the scientific point of view but also in the Biblical perspective. It is Eve's curiousity that led her to be tempted by the serpent, it is Adam's curiousity which led him to think what would happen to Eve now which scared Adam and led him to eat the fruit as well and it is your curiousity that led you to this part of this chapter.  Curiousity the the one thing humans share in common and we should believe that this also applies to the mentally disabled because studies also show that there are some signs of activity in a person who is considered to be brain dead so it is also fair to assume that a dead mind might or might not have it's own form of curiousity.

         The Man and The Mind. What makes us human or what we call man is not because of our physical features, intellect, wisdom, skills, and capabilities but our curiousity. The lust for knowledge and discovery is what makes us different from any other. Some might contest that animals are curious creatures too so does that make them a man and the answer is definitely "NO!". What separates us from animals is that in the biblical perspective we are sinners and as sinners we also have "LUST" not sexual lust but the lust for discovery. This might sound exaggerated but it is true. Let me explain in detail. If we do not lust for discovery then why do we ask the questions who, what, when, where, why and how more than once on a daily basis? We do this either mentally or verbally. Wherever we are and whatever we are doing we always have one or two questions to ask either ourselves or other people and most religious people even turn to God for answers.

         Curiousity is already a part of life that we cannot live without. Our lust for answers and discovery is what makes man human aside from the emotions that we all share in common and in the following chapters I would like to discuss how curiousity plays a big role in understanding the workings of our inner teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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