Parental Advisory

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(Picture to the side is of main chacater Ty.)-EyelessJack07

Chapter 1:

I wake up and I'm tired stupid school I would just stop going if the judge hadn't said otherwise. its a long story. I walk to school and right away there he is the rat. I oughta give him a black eye right now for being such a backstabbing liar some friend i have right. Maybe I'm moving to fast you see that backstabber was once my best friend Paul during our freshmen year a bunch of his friends jumped me their only reason being that I was black.

Yes it was a hate crime. No it wasn't dealt with one being that he was my only friend and two being that I was apparently a menace at the school so nobody believed me they all figuerd it was just another fight yeah a fight that landed me in the hospital with two broken ribs and a shattered wrist. Since nobody wanted to help me I helped myself to a wrench and his knee cap suprise suprise that they all ran to his aid. I served three months in juvy and was on probation for a year and a half. I had been skipping school while I was on probation and thats when the judge ruled that I could finish Highschool in the classroom or back in juvy I think my decision was pretty obvious not that I really had much of one anyways.

Where was I oh right he shoved me against a locker punched me in the gut and let my body slowly slump against it on the tile floor he bent over and started to call me a loser when I grabbed his face got to my feet and rammed my knee into his ribs when he started to cough up blood i booked it out of the hallway and into my first hour gym. Today was dodge ball something I excelled to bad I was called down to the office before we could start. Its barely nine A:M and Im already walking home expelled this time. I'd better hurry the cops will be there soon and I highly doubt that things are going to go my way. All I remember after that was the sound of a car behind me and the sound of my bones breaking.

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