Trust me Brucy [The Avengers/Marvel]

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"Come on, Brucy!" Tony almost shouted in Banner's ears.

The look on Bruce's face showed Stark that the green guy wasn't that far. Tony have been asking Bruce to go with him to the bar next to the Tower for five hours now. As everybody know, Bruce is a patient person but can also be pushed to the limit of anger. And know he is really close to the second option. Working on a new prototype, Bruce sighed trying to finish his work for the night.

"You know I can present you the red headed girl I told you about?"

Bruce twitched at the words Tony used.

"Don't call her like that... And... Can we have a pratice before we meet her?"

"You mean like going in a bar two nights in a row?" Tony asked happy of is co-worker's suggestion. "That sounds good to me! So what are you waiting for?" He added running out of the lab to change his clothes.

Fifteen minutes later, they both passed through the door of the Long Night bar. There was loud music, people dancing and drinking. Tony got straight to the bar and ordered two tequila to start the night.

"Here, drink this... It will help you to get in the mood!" Tony shouted to his friend, handing him the small glass of the yellow-ish drink.

Bruce drinked it fast, his face contracted under the effect of that strong drink since he's not used to drink alcohol. Tony laughed at him and patted Bruce's back as he coughed. Two girls walked next to them, giggling.

"Hello, Mister Stark." They both said sneeringly.

"Hello girls!...See that's why we came here tonight!" Stark shouted over the music, pointing the girls.

"Give me one more of that drink, Tony."

"Hehe, Brucy is getting hotter and hotter." Tony smirked lifting his hand to the bartender.

After ten tequila later, which means half an hour later, Bruce was already drunk. Dancing on table, with girls on club music and songs like Shots, Fancy and many more. Bruce was having fun, not the fun he usualy have working on science project, but it was still great time. Tony was talking to three girls at the counter and there was a few others coming his way as they recognized him. They were all having a good time as four guys came inside the bar masked and armed.

"Everybody on the ground!" The taller one yelled to cover the music.

Every one in the bar did as they said except Bruce, too drunk to even think.

"I said on the ground!" The tall masked guy yelled once again, pointing his gun at the man of science.

"I would not do that if I were you..." Tony started but got interrupted by another masked guy.

"Shut up, Fancy guy." He then turned to the bartender. "You, give me your money! NOW!"

The poor bartender, shaking, grabbed all the money he had and handed it to the guy.

"Let's go!" The third one said to the other.

"Carl?" A woman voice called from behind Bruce.

Everybody stopped breathing. What was she doing?

"Elen?" Carl looked at her. "What the hell are you doing here? No, no... What the hell are you doing with this guy?" He added pointing at Bruce, angry.

"We... We were just dancing, nothing more..."

"Oh yeah? So you're stealing my girlfriend?"

"So you're stealing money from a bar?" The drunk Bruce replied, laughing at Carl.

"He asked the question first." The tall one growled.

"I was here first!"

"Nobody laugh at me like you do, Buddy!" Carl yelled, angry like never before.

"You can not call me Buddy, because I'm only Buddy with that guy over there... See?" Bruce pointed at Tony. "Hi Tony!"

"Hi Bruce..." Tony whispered to his friend.

Carl pointed the gun at Bruce, who didn't care because he can't die. Shaking a little and unconsciously, Carl pulled the trigger. He didn't do much damaged because water came out of the gun. Even drunk, Bruce knew what to do and was the best.

"Water gun for a robbery? Really?" He laughed, stepping forwards, fist up.

A punch in the face and Carl ended up on his back, knocked out. The tall one decided to avenge his friend. He invited the other two guys on his side and ran at Bruce, fist up. Banner defended himself easily against two man and the tall guy fell on his face. The second one ended the fight with a broken and bleeding nose. Bruce looked at the last one.

"What about you? Did I do something wrong to you too?"

The guy, scared as he saw green flashes in Bruce's eyes, said no with his head and ran out the bar as fast as he could. Everybody cheered and applaused to Bruce's bravery. Even Tony took Bruce in his arms.

"Aww Buddy! Thank you! I would have helped you but I didn't have my suit on..." He laughed, giving him a hand shake.

"What did you do??" The same woman voice shouted behind him. "You killed him!"

Bruce turned around to face Elen, crying, who lifted her hand, holding a bottle of vodka and knocked Bruce on the side of the head. He then, slowly fell into darkness because of the pain.

Bruce took his big goggles off and the light came back. Tony, sitting on the other side of the table, did the same and laughed at him.

"Hit by a girl? Really?"

"Yeah, yeah... Keep laughing... You should know, by now, I don't fight against girls."

"Actually, you were pretty good. You got rid of the burglars without problem, you saved all the pretty girls in the bar. You were the hero, and I'm pretty sure they would have giving you their cellphone number if you didn't got hit by a girl." Tony sneered, getting up. "I think that VisionGoggle3D is awesome. Everything felt like it was real. Plus we don't have the next morning hangover. That simulation was really nice. That's why they call us ScienceBros. We are unbeatable with science stuff... So are we going to the real thing now, to show them what we can do?" He added, doing some bad dance moves.

"You know what, I think I'm a really great dancer..." Bruce smiled as Tony, mouth wide open, remembered the worst dancing moves he had ever seen in the simulation. "I'm just kinding. I think I'm ready but I won't drink like I did in the simulation. I really don't want all of this to happen on my first night out."

"Fine!" Tony said turning his back at him.

He smirked evilly, walking out of the lab and whispered to himself:

"Trust me, Brucy. It's going to be worst..."

Trust me, Brucy  [The Avengers/Marvel]Where stories live. Discover now