Chapter 56

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Harper's POV
It was Thanksgiving and there was about 2 hours until everyone came over. I was nervous about meeting Daniel's family but more worried about him meeting mine, more specifically my dad.
I got changed into my clothes, did my hair and makeup.

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I went downstairs and helped get the house ready

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I went downstairs and helped get the house ready. There was going to be lots of people at our house so we opened the back doors to the garden, they were the kind of doors that you can slide so they're out of the way.
They boys and their families came round and we talked to everyone. I just hadn't talked to Daniel's parents yet.
Before we knew it everyone was here:parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins.
I saw my parents talking to Daniel's and I decided to go over. "Oh you just be Harper!" Keri said standing up to give me a hug. We hugged for a little bit and Daniel came over. "Daniel talks about you all the time." She said.
"Mom!" Daniel whined.
"It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Seavey." I said and I shook Jeff's hand.
"Oh please call us Keri and Jeff." She said and I nodded.
"So Daniel. What's it like being a singer?" My dad asked and I dreaded him asking loads of questions because it always ends up with my brother, Lucas, joining in and my mom has to stop it. "It's very fun Mr Hart. I get to do what I enjoy for a living. And the fans are so nice we all love them and we wouldn't be where we are now without them." He answered and I smiled slightly because it looked like my dad liked him.
"That's wonderful Daniel! And please call us Rose and Jack."
He nodded. Daniel talked to my parents for a bit longer while I got the kids table sorted out. I set out the cutlery for Reese, Isla and mine and the girls cousins and siblings:Joe, Maria, Lucía and Caleb.
My cousin was called Lucía and she was 5. I didn't get to see her much because she lives in Dakota.
I was sitting on the floor, playing with Lucía when Daniel came up to us. "You know you'd be a good mom." He sitting down next to me.
"And what make you think that?" I said my attention still on my cousin.
"You're caring, kind, you pay a lot of attention to Lucía. There's lots of reasons."
"Well you'd make a good dad." I said smiling.
It was dinner time and everyone said what they were thankful for;it was now my turn. "I'd like to say thank you for my family and friends. I love you all loads. Girls we've been friends for what feels like forever, I love you guys and thank you. Thank you everyone for coming even though it was hard. And the Seavey's for being so nice to me, Anna you're my favourite." Everyone laughed and Daniel pretended to be offended.
It was a great day and I loved it. I loved having the family around.

I really am thankful.

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