The Accident

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“Mom? Dad?”  I yelled out into the dark night. “Where are you guys?!” looking around the rubble of the car accident, they were nowhere to be found. “Can somebody help?! Help! Please” I yelled at the top of my lungs, now bawling my eyes out. A car drove by; I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye, my dads’ phone. Trying to reach the phone, pinned down by car parts, I give up. I hear the sound of something racing towards us…


I jolt up sweating and crying, wiping my tears away I fall back down onto my bed. This is a reoccurring nightmare for me, it’s been happening ever since the accident happened. That accident was the worst day of my life, it’s why I no longer celebrate my birthday anymore, and it was also the worst birthday anyone could ask for. I feel so guilty; I wish I could’ve saved them.

Rolling out of bed I walk groggily to the bathroom to fix myself before I had to face my Aunt Mel and Uncle John, they were my new guardians, I hate them. The only good thing they’ve done for me since my parents death was taking me in, but now they’re sending me off to a boarding school in America. I’m begging to think that they want me to be as far away from them as possible, that’s what I want too.

“Mae! Get down here with your bags! We’re leaving!” Yelled my Aunt Mel

Without replying, feeling too depressed to even talk; I walk down the steps and turn towards the kitchen where I have to face them. Not only are they rude but they are abusive, physically and verbally. Grabbing a piece of toast without asking I hear a loud gasp.

“Mae Anne Scott! You always ask before you take anything. This is why we are sending you off to a boarding school.” Mel scolded me

Nodding my head I walk out the door and throw my bags in the back of the car, not bothering to look back to see if they were following. After I climb into the car Mel, John, their two kids and my brother all come out and climb into the car. My brother’s lucky that Mel and John except him and care for him like one of their own. I start to drift off thinking about what will happen while I’m at boarding school when I suddenly get jerked forward.

“Damn dogs...” muttered John

Starting to breath heavily I try to calm myself down, not to over think the situation very much. After getting myself calmed down I look around to see if anyone noticed…they didn’t. Nobody notices me anymore; I might as well as died with mom and dad in the accident.

“We’re here!” Cheered Mel

What was she so excited about? Oh, yeah…Me leaving.

“MAE! Are you coming? We need to get rid of you.” Shouted Mel

“I’m coming, I’m coming” I groaned

Climbing out of the car I grabbed my bags, gave my brother, my two cousins’ hugs and walked towards the airport without more than one glance back towards my old life.

“Passport ma’am” Said the tall man at the airport, he looked scary.

“Here it is…” I softly replied shaking a little as I handed it over.

“Here’s your passport back, also here is a plane ticket. Have a nice trip ma’am” handing me my stuff back and giving me a warm smile, I decided I liked him.

“PLANE 406 BOARDING NOW. PLANE 406 BOARDING NOW.”  Said the announcing system, the sound bouncing off all the walls, looking down at my ticket I realized that was my flight.

Running to get the security check I proudly lifted my bag on the table walking through the scanner without any problems, along the way getting a nice smile from the pretty security women. Rushing to find the boarding spot for my plane I ran into someone

“I’m so sorry sir…” I mumbled the last part looking up at him, he was extremely handsome. He was tall, with chocolate brown eyes, and his brown hair was so perfect, almost as great as his smile, he was a total opposite of me with my long blue dyed hair, dull brown eyes, and not as near perfect smile. He’s smiling at me and I’m staring at him like a dumb idiot why am I such am I idiot when it comes to guys god I need to stop.

“I-I have to go, my planes t-taking off” I mumbled my cheeks turning a bright red. He nodded before walking off as I took off getting to the plane just in time. Struggling to find my seat, getting a few odd stares from people before finally sitting down.

“Oh, and my names Carter” Whispered the cute guy from earlier walking past me shooting me an amazing smile 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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