ISLAM - The religion of PEACE

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ISLAM the religion of PEACE

Nowadays, many non-Muslims think that Islam is a religion that promotes violence, terrorism, war, etc. Just because they rely in their view of Islam on the general media, which is not always giving the true reported news. Have can these people be 100% SURE that whatever the media is reporting is 100% true. 

Many media outlets simply make "big story" by themselves, in order to make more money and more profits. Others are simply "followers", who only gather news from other sources, re-package it and try to sell it again purely as a business.

So my lovely Muslim brothers and sisters try to think, to understand that only very few media organizations are committed to providing accurate and true information.

Lastly I would like to say that                                                                                                                                ISLAM IS IN FACT A RELIGION THAT PROMOTES PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING AMONG PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS, AND IT STRONGLY PROHIBITS ALL FORM OF VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION AGAINST ALL PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF THEIR FAITH OR RACE!

I would also want to say that the non-Muslims who (mashallah) read this ,they should try to accept Islam as their own religion and (inshallah) God(Allah) will fill his/her life with PEACE and i think everyone in this world would like to have peace in their life ya!

So come on let’s all say la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah that mean that THEIR IS NO god BUT ALLAH AND MUHAMMAD(Peace and blessings be on upon him) IS ALLAH’S MESSENGER


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