Jack's Accent

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A/n I do NOT own ROTG!

Jack had a secret, a pretty embarrassing one too. Oh yeah, it was pretty embarrassing. You see, Jack was born in the 1700's, and he had an accent. Oh yeah, he hated it. He hadn't spoke in it in a very long time though. It only came out if he was REALLY mad.

Our story starts with an accident at the Warren, leading to a fight at the Pole, between Jack and Bunnymund. Now, the two fought a lot but, this time was different.

"Bunny! I said it was an ACCIDENT!"

"Yeah Mate! Sure it was! Ugh! Yer so irresponsible! Ugh, I don' even know why in the WORL' Manny made yer a guardian! I mean, you only spread things people 'ate!"

Jack was stunned, but then angry. Oh so VERY angry. The room's temperature dropped a good 20 degrees, and Bunny, though he would never admit or show it, was a little scared.

"Thou knoweth not of myne responsibility, thou knoweth NOT of myne feelings about myne work. Thou knoweth NOT of myne struggles! Thou knoweth not of myne solitude. So thee can't comment on it."

The guardians were stunned, Jack realized what happened. His face then went bright red.

"Uhh, Fros'bite?" Bunny started. "Wha' was tha'?"

Jack looked at Bunny, and chuckled to himself. "Bunny, I'm from the 18th century. I'm bound to have an accent." Bunny blinked a couple times.

"Uh, yeah I guess."

"Of course, mine is better than yours."


A/n hope you liked! just a little short thing that popped in my head. Leave a comment if you think there should be more!

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