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The Second Wizarding War, left a large impact on numerous Wizards and Witches throughout the UK. But for three in particular, it was just another day, fighting bad guys and stuff, basically the usual. Because for Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter, saving the world was just what they did.

However, for George Weasley, the War resulted in the worst possible thing imaginable. He lost his other half. Fred Weasley was killed in the battle of Hogwarts, fighting nobly to defend what he believed in. And sometimes, George wished he had done the same....died. Because without Fred, life seemed a large joke, and the joke was on him.

Only a year had passed, yet most wounds were healed, and life seemed to be peaceful. Everyone was finally enjoying a life without being under the cloud of war. And as Children were visiting Diagon Alley, preparing for the upcoming school year, no one seemed to notice that one shop in particular was still closed. But someone did notice. And that someone just happened to be, none other than Hermione Granger.

She stood in front of the joke shop, starring up at the structure with a look of solace. People eagerly pushed past her, continuing on the crowded streets, but the bustling roar of the Alley was merely a numbing buzz.

She, restoring her determination, pushed open the shop door with much effort, and stepped inside. "Hello?" She called, somehow hoping it was not empty. Eyes wandering around the abandoned shop, she noticed the neatly stacked shelves of products, and how everything seemed to be untouched, as if it was frozen in time. Which it was, the only difference now, was there was a thin layer of dust coating every surface, that was made visible through the only source of light, that being the shop's windows.

Hermione ventured further inside, and decided once reaching a metal spiral staircase, to ascend the steps. She found herself in the upper level of the store, that was mainly used for storage, as well as an apartment, where the owners had stayed. She landed her gaze on a picture upon the wall, which was of Fred Weasley, smiling in one of his purple pin striped suits. It had been hung by the looks of it by a spare bit of spellotape, one corner hanging lower than the other.

"Let me Guess. You were secretly in love with Fred all along..." A soft voice called from behind her.

Hermione turned around, letting her gaze fall upon George Weasley. She let out a small laugh, trying not to cry at the attempt of a joke. It hurt her to see him like this, living with the sorrow of the loss of a brother. And she wasn't sure what pained her the most, the fact that Fred was gone, or how George could barley live without him.

"How are you doing?" She asked, in attempts to get him to actually talk to her. Seeing as he had shut practically his entire family out, she thought she could have a go.

"I'd be doing a lot better Granger if you didn't look at me like that."

"Like what?"

"With Pitty." He said with a stern face.

Hermione sucked in a breathe, knowing quite well this wasn't going to be easy. She tilted her head slightly to the side, raising one eyebrow. "Alright." She agreed. With this, he seemed content.

"Would you like to come in, to my flat.....seeing as you already broke into the shop itself?"

Hermione wasn't the least surprised with the snarkieness he held in his voice. After all, in a way he had a right to it.

"I would love to." She said, plastering on a wide grin, as if to cheer up his mood.

She followed him through the door at the opposite side of the loft space into his flat.  One way to describe the scene, was an utter horrific mess. 

"Ignore the mess." He mumbled, grabbing a few of his button downs off the sofa as to clear a spot for her to sit. 

She smiled feebly, sitting down in the space he had cleared. 

George did the same, but he still held a frown. 

"That's it, what do I have to do?"  Hermione asked in a huff standing up. 

"What?" George asked, a bit surprised by her outburst. 

"What do I have to do to make you smile.  This state you're in can not be healthy, I mean look at yourself George." 

"First of all, nothing, nothing you do can make me smile. And second, it's not a state. It's called grieving." 

"You have the opportunity to ask anything of me, and you're going to pass that up, when I'm a hundred percent willing? Fred would be disappointed." 

Hermione hoped this was working.  Perhaps she was the first to actually scold George for his moping.  She didn't want to,  but she did want him to get better, and if this is what it took, then so be it.

"Rip a book."  He stated.

The corners of her mouth turned up into a grin. "See, now we're talking."  Hermione made her way across the room to the bookshelve.  She selected a book, and made her way back over to George.  "Ready?" She asked, and as much as it pained her, she opened to a random page, and tore it from its binding. 

She furrowed her eyebrows though when hearing George applaud with a slow clap. "Wow Granger, That really made me feel a lot better." He drawled sarcastically.

She pursed her lips.  "I'm just trying to help."  She said, not understanding why she was growing upset.

"Really, just help? With no other motive than genuine kindness?" He further questioned.

Hermione had no idea what he was implying. "Yes, I just want to help. And if there is any way I can do that, all you half to do is ask." She picked up her jumper, and gathered the rest of her things. She intended on staying longer, but seeing as he was in a particularly defensive mood today, leaving him to his own devices seemed best. "Now, I'm going to go, before you come up with another clever idea-."

"To Get us killed?" He remarked.

"I was going to say destroy more books, but with you, who knows if I would still be alive if I stayed only ten minutes longer."

"Now we wouldn't want that would we? I'll walk you out."

He walked her to the front entrance to the shop, her saying a "goodbye." And then she spun on her heels, walked a few feet into the crowd, and dissaperated on the spot.

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