Chapter 1: Anothey Day At Regal Academy

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Roses POV
*alarm rings*
"Oh no!!! I'm late!! I'm late!! Gigi, why didn't you wake me?!" I shout.

I jump out of my bed and find the perfect pair of shoes, obviously! I take my backpack, run to the kitchen, grab an apple and burst through the door. I run to the ally way and took out my Regal Academy Gate key.
Poof! I'm in Regal Academy.

I'm hoping to see Hawk today, like everyday. He is so nice and helpful, not to mention his hair. Whoops. Never mind...hehe.

Hawks POV
I came to school, hoping to save a few princesses before class started. Im hoping to see Rose this morning but I couldn't find her. I saw Travis walking along the pond so I caught up with him.

"Hey Hawk," Travis said.
"Hey Travis, have you seen Rose anywhere?" I asked.
"No sorry, I guess she is late again," Travis replied. "Why'd you ask?"
"No reason."
"Okay... well cooking class is about to start,"
"Let's go then, the others must be waiting for us," I said, starting to walk towards class.

I hope that Rose is in school today.

-In Class-

Still Hawks POV

"Good morning students!" HM Cinderella said, "Welcome to cooking class. Today we will be making cupcakes with your family magic. This is very hard to do so watch and listen carefully"

"Oh my grade!" Said Astoria, "You guys better pay really good attention."
"This part is the hardest, one false move and you have ruined your cupcakes," HM Cinderella said.

Thinking this would be easy, I said "Don't worry Astoria, everything is under-"
And just like that, Rose burst though the doors, making HM Cinderella jump and making a mini pumpkin explosion, BOOM!
-control" *sigh*

Roses POV
"IM HEREEEEE!!!," I shout, bursting though the doors.

I have no idea what just happened but all I can see is everyone covered pumpkin goo.
"Gland you could join us, Rose," Granny Cinderella said.

"Happy to be here!" I skipped to my group baking station and saw my friends giving me the 'straight face', expect Hawk, he actually looked pleased that I was here.

"Hey guys! Um, what's going ..on?"
"You really need to start waking up early" Joy said.
"Sorry guys! Blame Gigi," Gigi stared giving me 'the look' too.

After that, the bell rang.
"Class over everyone," Granny Cinderella said.
We all walked out of class.


Travis' POV
We were all walking together as a group when I suddenly saw a Jasmine Flower on the ground. Jasmine is LingLings favourite!! This is going to be my lucky day!

"Hey LingLing, I found a Jasmine flower, but it's not as pretty as you," I said nervously.
"Aww, thank you Travis, that's very sweet of you," LingLing said, blushing. But I was blushing WAY more then her.

LingLings POV
Its so sweet of Travis giving me my favourite flower, he is so kind! He was blushing but I was blushing WAY more than him. After that be both started walking with big smiles on our faces.

-After School-

Vickys POV
UGH!! I can't believe that Cinderella got pumpkin goo all over my new top!! How did she even find this place?! Hold on. That's it! I need to get the truth from her! Ugh but she won't talk. I need a proper plan...

-Night Time At Cinderella Castle-

Roses POV
"I'm sorry I got pumpkin goo on everyone Granny!" I said to Granny.
"Oh don't worry about it dear," Granny replied "I cleaned it with my pumpkin magic."

"How many types of magic is there in the Cinderella family, Granny?" I asked.
"Well Rose, there is pumpkin magic, the one you have, ballgown magic, the one your mother has, glass magic-"

Someone was knocking on our door.

"I'll get it!" I shouted, excited to see who it was.

I opened the door and it was Hawk.
"Hey Hawk, what are you doing here?" I ask.
"Hey Rose, I umm, I wanted to know if you would go on a walk with me?" Answered Hawk.
"If you don't mind,"
"Sure, okay,"

We stared walking down the path, near the pumpkin field.

"If it's alright with you, you need to close your eyes, it's a surprise," said Hawk.
I closed my eyes and Hawk led me. I could feel grass so I knew we were on the pumpkin field.

"3....2....1.... open your eyes!"

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying Regal Academy: Evil Takes Over!

Obviously I'm going to carry the story on. Updates might be slow because of school and I'm REALLLLYYYY SORRRRYYYY about that.

More ships of Rose and Hawk, LingLing and Travis, Astoria and Shawn + Joy and Esquire will be added! Tell me how you are liking the story so far in the comments and I will reply to you!
What was Hawks surprise for Rose?
What evil plan has Vicky thought of?

Stay tuned!!

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