chapter 2

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 My  heart beats rapidly while walking towards the mysterious one I see in the side of the road.

 I see a neko laying on the cold ground. He has bruises and idle as though dead--- or dying. He wear simple hoodie and his hair is thick covering half of his eye but I can see them close. The ears is hard to distinguish if it was blue or purple from the night.

No one was in sight for a help. I knelt down and pulled his arms over me. His bangs rubs softly to my cheek  then I see a blood.

I found my way to my room. My dad fell asleep already and my mom left her phone in the kitchen. Good thing; I learned some paramedic stuff and I used to play doctor set.
 I gave a complete attention to his wounds. Like wrapping bandage to his arms and legs and stick a plaster to the deep scratch in his back.

Time moves swiftly 'coz the clock strike to 4am as I rest in my computer desk.This is a long day. I heard Neko wakes up in my bed but that's the time I collapse in a sleep...

A/N By the way I found the picture from Weheartit: ViruRuvi
 I see a lot of amazing arts there~

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