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Dear HM,

I wish I would have told you how I felt before we graduated. How I love your dirty blond hair and your amazing hazel eyes. I wish the most I would have had the courage on the many school trips to tell you I dream of a future with you. I fall asleep wondering what life would be like if I did. I love how we would spend many mornings together just you and me talking in the school parking lot.

I love the way you smile when someone makes a joke. The way your eyes crinkle at the edges makes the brightest star seem dim. I love how devoted you are to your family and friends as well as church. I love the way you are concerned about me when I was sitting alone, even though you never noticed me blush. I love the way you unintentionally stood close to me when we were at the fair. I most of all love how you stand up for me when the bullies were trying to hurt me. You were my night in shinning armor and you never knew it.

My favorite memory we have had together is graduation night. Everything was perfect. We had all of our friends together as we all sat around the bon fire with sun setting behind the trees , talking and laughing about good times. You got up and started to play football with your friends and I could not help but soak in the moment. You were throwing the ball with such strength and running with such speed that I could not help but slip off into a day dream. You walked over put your hand on my shoulder and gave me your amazing smile. The one that made everything seem like it was going to be perfect.

Here we are now five years later and I still see the amazing man I had a crush on all those years ago. You still are the same kind and gentle soul I grew to love in high school and church. Except now we are two birds flying in the night. We pass each other and don't speak a word. Over the years we have grown apart and I wish I had told you how I felt so long ago but I did not. All we were ment to be was friends and I did not understand that for a long time. Now as I stand here looking back at my past I am thankful for what we did have. Forever my first true love.



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