Chapter 57

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Harper's POV
Once again everyone was at ours. Obviously I don't mind but it's like the boys are never at their own apartments.
Yesterday it was Corbyn's birthday.
We were sat on the couches, as usual, and talking. I was drinking some water when Star was speaking.
"You know if Harper and Daniel get married-
I spat my water out and stood up.
"Sorry." I said while coughing a bit.
I went to the bathroom and tried to dry myself off. I came back downstairs and sat down on the couch.
"As I was saying if Harper and Daniel got married her initials would be 'his'"
"And you think about this in your spare time?" I asked.
"Sometimes when I'm bored I just think about random stuff so..." she answered and I just nodded.
As much as I would like to marry Daniel we're way too young and we might not even be together. Who knows?
It was now night and I was staying at Daniel's. "So getting married?" Daniel said lightly laughing.
"Yeah..." I said chuckling a bit.
"Bit too soon, don't you think?"
"It is."
"Harper are you ok?"
"Yeah it's just bringing marriage up is an...interesting topic."
"Yeah you're right."
"I'm sorry Daniel. It's not that I wouldn't marry you it's just we're way too young and we might not even be together."
"I hope we will be."
"Me too."

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