??? Backstory

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??? POV

"You'll never be a hero!"

"You're better off trying to be a villain!"

"There's no way you'll ever get into UA!"

"All you do is steal what isn't yours!"

"Just go kill yourself!"

"No one cares about you!"

"Yeah! That's why your parents left you!"

All of the memories of being bullied always flood my head. Over something that I couldn't control.





"Waste of a life!"

They never leave.

All the insults,

The pain,

The hatred.

None of them.

"We don't want you anymore. You're a disgrace to this family. We don't want a thief as a child."

'We don't want a thief as a child.' Were the last words I ever heard from my biological parents before they threw me out in the streets.

I was alone, cold, starving, no one believed in me. That is, until he saved me. He is the one, who believed in me. He might not have had a quirk, but he still believed he could become the greatest hero ever. He never lost hope in his dreams. He would stop by everyday and help. He was still young but he still saved me.

He still continued to fight.

He never gave up on anyone.

Until, he disappeared, never to be seen again.

His parents found out what he was doing and killed him. You want to know how I know this? That his own parents killed their own son with their own hands.

Because I was there.


Was my brother.

All of the torture I had to go through, because he helped me. I will never forget.

I will never forget the words anyone has ever said to me.

The worse thing is,

My own parents blamed the murder on me.


I strive to become the best hero ever and prove to everyone that ever doubted me that people who's quirks that may seem like one that villain would have, can still become great heroes.


Word count: 329

Sorry it's really short. I just wanted to give you a little look of who ??? is. No, ??? is not there name.

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