Boyfriends? Yeah, boyfriends.

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Kyle sighed as he woke up, back against his hard mattress. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and stretching. Why was he even awake? It's too fucking early for this shit.

He didn't have to look in the mirror to know that his hair was a mess. He sighed again, but didn't try to fix it. There was no point, it would just get messy immediately after anyway. Damn his curly hair.

He glared at his freckled reflection, Green eyes glinting dangerously like he was trying to scare himself into getting ready for school. He really didn't want to go to school. He had heard from Ike, who heard from Ruby, who heard from Karen, who had heard from Kenny, who had overheard Bebe talking to Wendy about dumping Stan which of course meant that Stan would be a wreck today.

Kyle shook his head while brushing his teeth. Their relationship was a mess. Wendy was a smart girl with a ferocious determination, her only flaw was her horrible indecisiveness. One second she loved Stan, the next she wasn't sure. One day she would be confessing her love for him and crying for him to hold her and then the next day avoid him, as if she was embarrassed for saying what she did. It tore Stan apart.

Kyle glared at Stan in his mind while pulling his white shirt over his head. Stan was in love with Wendy, at least, that's what he always told Kyle. Stan was the perfect boyfriend. Loyal, attractive, funny, intelligent... The list goes on, but all of it was a gift for Wendy. Kyle knew it wasn't her fault, but he just couldn't shake the feeling that she was abusing the gift that is Stan as a boyfriend. Why couldn't she just appreciate him like he appreciated her?

Kyle shook all the thoughts away as he walked downstairs. If someone looked at how he felt about Wendy, they'd probably think he was jealous, but he wasn't. No, he would never be jealous of Wendy, why would he? He simply cared for his super best friend. That was it. Really.

Ike took a seat next to him. He was in middle school now, but he never stopped being proud of his Canadian heritage. In fact he was wearing a shirt with the Canadian flag on it under his light blue jacket. He loved that jacket.

Kyle's mom soon came into the kitchen as well, her hair in it's classic beehive and dressed in formal wear as usual. She smiled at her two sons but Frowned at Kyle's hat. "Oh Bubbie I wish you would've grown to love your hair. You shouldn't keep hiding it like that!" Kyle just ignored her and shoved another spoonful of cereal in his mouth. You'd think she would stop telling him what to do now that he's 16 but no, or course not. This is sheila we're talking about.

Kyle glanced at the clock and hopped off his chair, going over to the clothes rack and grabbing his obnoxious orange windbreaker with a green collar. He then slipped on his green gloves that he kept stored in the jackets pocket. "I'm going to school Ma!" He called out. "Okay!" A muffled Sheila responded. Kyle nodded and opened the door.

Time to face the day.

The walk to the bus stop was cold as always. You might be surprised that Kyle still rides the bus, but you probably shouldn't be. The only ones who got a car on their 16th birthday was Token and Bebe, but of course everyone was expecting that. Everyone else was fine just walking to school or riding the bus. What would they do with a car anyway? It's not like South Park has anything to actually do that you can't just walk to. It was a really small town.

Kyle walked up to the sign, waiting for the gang to show up. He was always the first to show. Then Kenny, then Stan, and finally Cartman. Kyle was always glad that he was last to show. That fatass always knew just what to say to piss him off.

Kyle turned his head to see none other than Kenny Mccormick running up to him, his dirty converse crunching the snow. Kyle still isn't sure how his toes still have feeling in them after trudging through snow in unprotected footwear, but he just went with it. Plenty of kids did it anyway.

Style oneshots [stuck on your love, but that's not such a bad thing]Where stories live. Discover now