The Valley

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I am the Valley.

Just a valley.

The animals graze upon my face, drink from my streams, bathe in my springs.

But yet the Mountains that tower high above me, their peaks above the clouds,

They live their lives in peace and harmony.

But why can't that be me?

Because I am The Valley?

The beautiful Alps stand proud and tall,

Their awesome heights make me feel small.

But I respect them.

Why can't that be me?

Because I am The Valley?

And the Forest, you have no reason to be afraid.

I am no threat to you,

You are so powerful and yet you stand silently swaying in the wind,

Leaves fluttering like a butterfly's wings.

But why can't that be me?

Because I am The Valley?

Why does everything seem better than me?

Even the Clouds drifting effortlessly across the sky are more graceful, more interesting, more peaceful than I.

And why can't that be me?

I know why,

Because I am the Valley.

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