Ch.1 The Meeting

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it's a Yandere X reader type of story with a lot of stuff aka, dark themes, lemons , gore, mental issues, suicidal thoughts and much more, so if you are affected by these types of topics please don't read !! You have been warned!!

Third P.O.V

Your eyes flutters open as the sound of your alarm gets louder and louder and the rays of sunshine seeps through your curtains, reaching out for your phone to turn it off as you sit on your bed, stretching out as a loud yawn escapes your mouth

"I should get ready.... just five more minutes" you rubbed your eyes before slamming your face into the pillow and drifted back into slumber

"Y/N" the high pitched voice of your little sister woke you up

"ugh....I'm up !!" You yelled into the pillow

"Mom says you're gonna be late, now get up lazy" dragging the warm blanket off your body as you curled into a ball trying to warm up your body

"GET UP" a cold splash sent adrenaline through your body

"you little piece of shit" you yelled as you jumped out of bed chasing her around the house

"moooooom~ Y/N just said a bad word" hiding behind the slender figure of your mom in the kitchen

"Y/N !!! Watch your language around your sister" she glared

"she threw water on my face ... COLD WATER" you yelled wiping your eyes

"she's a kid , now go get ready or you'll be late" she pointed with the spatula in her hand at your dripping body

"thank god I'm leaving" you mumbled as you went to take a shower and get ready for your first day of college.
Looking at the mirror as a smile found it's way to your face

"I guess that's it, oh! Where's my wallet?" You mumbled as you ran through your room

"got it, Okay mom lets gooo~" you ran toward the door

"eat your breakfast first" a slightly painful hit reached your head as your mom crossed her arms behind you

"okaaay" sighing as you dragged your feet to the kitchen
Arriving at the gates of Hell.... I mean collage, you stood there saying goodbye to your mother and sister

"Do you have everything with you ?" Your mom asked as she fixed your hair

"yes mom, can I go now ? I need to find my dorm room" You held her hand in attempt to stop her hands from touching your hair anymore

"I can't believe you're moving out, I'll miss you so much" she said as tears fell from her soft hazel eyes

"mom it's only an hour ride from home !! I'll visit when I'm free, I promise" you softly smiled trying your best to hold your tears back

"and as for you young lady, don't make any trouble at home okay" ruffing your sisters hair and giving her a bright smile, who only answered with a hump and looked away.

"Well I guess this is it, bye" taking a deep breath you lifted your gym bag from the tiled floor and gave your family one last hug before turning your back to them and heading into the unknown adventure.
After dragging your bag behind you for a good 15 minuets you finally reach the dorms building

"huuuuuge~" you whispered as you passed the black metal doors and faced the sea of students chit chatting in the hallways

"um, excuse me" a tap was felt of your shoulder

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