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'What in heavens just happened'

: : :

As the party continued from my encounter with Noah his deep brown eyes continued to flick through my memories, it intrigues me even more to him. But the more I thought about what hid behind those scared eyes the more I thought about my own dark past and how distracted with school I've been so I haven't let it control me for a while. I dwell on this.

"Astra!" A drunken slur erupts from behind me, interrupting my thoughts. I turn around to see a very drunk Hazel with Johnston holding her up like his life depended on it,

oh no, not again.

Johnstone looks tired as the veins in his arms bulge from the weight of Hazel. His faded worn red shirt slightly lifts up as Hazel droops further down into his arms showing the outlines of his abs. As bad as Hazel is, I wish that was me.

"Oh," I say frowning "Looks like its time to go home," I say slowly while checking out Hazel's state, oh I really hope that's not vomit mixed up in her hair.

I hook my arm under Hazel's armpits and look at Johnston in a sympathetic smile, he frowns. He hates when Hazel drinks. He's still got that nerd reputation in him, and I love it.

We carry Hazel's now limp body to Johnston's car and practically throw Hazel's nearly unconscious body into the back seats. Almost like a ritual I climb over Hazel's body and sit on the left seat to the door where her body isn't draped across. Johnston opens the driver's door and clambers in. We say nothing as we both know this has happened one too many times. As he starts the car I run my hands through Hazel's hair purposely missing the vom- I mean an unknown substance that clings to a section of her hair.

: : :

Hazel quietly giggles to herself as we arrive at my doorstep. I stare out the window at my house. The narrow, dark building reflects a shadow on the curb shaped like a house from a horror movie. My house was defiantly not as impressive as Hazel's. The white paint my mother and father painted the house it was mostly rusted now or scratched off. The weeds out the front had overgrown from lack of care and the doorsteps were now almost invisible from the moss that grew over them.

My house was not a home.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the nightmare that lies before me, my own home. "Thank you for driving me," I say to Johnston as I open the passenger's door and getting out. He sends me a nod signifying his goodbyes.

I turn to my house and sigh, I hear the car drive off behind me but my eyes are tattooed on the light on in the upstairs room, her room. I gulp while pressing my eyelids down hard, blinking waiting for the light to go off so I can   my eyes are playing tricks on me and she's actually not home. The light remains on, my heart beats as fast as a cheetah runs. My breath quickens at the thought of her return.

I launch myself onto the veranda and quickly fumble in my bag looking for my keys, I seem to find everything in my bag but my keys. I hear the jingle of them and the cold metal against my fingers, I quickly snatch them and jam them into the lock of the door. The door flings open as I almost shove the door off its hinges. I leap into the hallway and bounce up the stairs as fast as I can not even caring about the keys still jammed into the lock of the front door while it's wide open. 

As I reach the top of the stairs I sprint as fast as I can down the upstairs hallway to her room. I run so fast I slide past her door when I try to sink the heels of my shoes into the carpet. It reminds me of something from a cartoon. I grab the gold metal handle of her door and swing it open as fast as humanly possible. I don't know what to expect to see when my eyes dart around the room but what I do see hurts more than anything,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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