About requests

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  • Dedicated to Everyone



Recommended age to read?

It would be best if you're 13 as there will be some romance but it is perfectly fine if you are 10 or something. Please, please though, see the 'context' that I will put in at the starts. If I write the context is mature, you may want to skip the Imagine or one-shot! Example of conetext...

Context: Friendship. Nothing too mature.

Recommended age: 10-11 years old. (If you are younger it is okay, just considering if a 7 year old would understand for example. If you are older, it makes no difference.)


Do I accept request?

Of course I do! Why would I not? All you got to do is Private Message me via Wattpad. It will be nice if you comment on the one shot/imagine I wrote for you! Information that you have to provide? Nothing much, just your gender, name and of course, the context. I would not mind if you tell me the exact storyline but, of course, you need not have to! Basically just give me your name, gender and context. If you want, you can tell me the storyline. Examples of context: Friendship, Romance, Dirty and etc.!

WARNING! Take note that I am not writing a 10 pages long essay, the longest I think I will write would be 3 pages so tell me how can the story be Aventure or Fantasy. Sure, it can but I don't think my writing is up to that standard!

GOOD NEWS! You can ask me to write a description about someone or something.


Do I accept any celebrity you want to be in the Imagine?

Of course but I may not have the description correct! Just PM me!


Will I ever stop accepting request?

No! Never! This book is for it! Unless...I close this account or forget the password which is NEVER!!

I hope not anyway.


Thanks and enjoy your reading journey. I will update when I feel like or I have a request in place and I am free!!


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