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'sometimes you can't let go of what's making you sad, because it was the only thing that made you happy'

𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍'sometimes you can't let go of what's making you sad, because it was the only thing that made you happy'

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STILES CHEERED TO himself once Luke awoken. His chest felt like it was tightening as much anymore, and happy tears came to his eyes.

"Stiles." Luke faced the teenage boy and frowned. "What are you doing here? I thought john wanted you out of this life."

"Wait." Stiles held up his hand, his heart pounding at this new information. "My dad knew of this–" he gestured around at his surroundings, "–world and he didn't tell me?"

"Wait, so he didn't tell you?" He questioned, groaning as he sat up. "Then why the hell are you here and where is your father?"

Stiles looked down in sadness, not realizing the way he had said 'father'. The pale boy started fidgeting with his fingers, tears coming to his caramel eyes ad he pictured the lifeless body of his father in his arms.

"Stiles?" The boy in question looked up at the adult on the couch. "What happened? Where's Noah?"

"Dead," Stiles mumbled, his throat feeling clogged up from emotion, so he swallowed thickly. But? That didn't help any, if anything, it made his throat hurt more.

"What? How? When?" Luke blurted out, staring up at the teenage boy with wide eyes, not believing what he had just heard.

Neither of them knew of the dark haired Shadowhunter watching them from around the corner.

"He–I–I don't really know. I came home from school and I walk— I walked into the house and he was just laying there. All lifeless and frozen and–" he trailed off. "—dead. He was dead, laying in his own blood, barely breathing, barely holding onto that last thread of life. His eyes were slowly turning lifeless. There was no light in his eyes anymore, just death. He–he had a bite mark on his neck. Whatever it was– it wanted him to suffer and for my face to be the last face he saw before he died. They wanted me to be there, crying, holding onto my father, watching the life drain from him. They wanted me to be there for when he took his last breathe." He sighed, tears cascading down his cheeks as he took a seat near Luke. "That is — that is why I am here. You guys are the only ones I have left."

"Oh, Stiles," Luke murmured before pulling the crying teenager into his arms, trying his best to comfort him. "What about Scott; the boy who you always talked about? Lydia? Any of your friends?"

The Stilinski shook his head and pulled away from Luke, clearing his throat as he wiped away his tears. "No, they — they probably don't even miss me." He bit his lip, thinking about the Nogitsune. He thought about how could have fought against his hold more, tried to fight his control harder. But no, I let him command me as if I was a dog doing tricks for treats. "I – some things happened and they hate me now. They turned their backs on me, and you wanna know how? It was Scott. Scott fucking McCall. My best freaking friend. I was there for him for every single thing that went on in his life and this is how he repays me? Turning his back on me after my father was brutally murdered? Like seriously, who does that?" He ranting, beginning to sob again although he really did try to hold the tears back this time.

Everything that has happened to Stiles in the past few years were finally hitting him full-front, breaking him down until there was nothing left to piece together.

Alec, who was listening in on what Stiles was saying, backed away from the door and walked away, a concerned look stretched across his face.

Luke's brown eyes sparkled with tears, but he didn't let them fall as he tightened his hold on Stiles, allowing the teenage boy to cry into his shoulder.

"I almost lost you today," Stiles spoke softly into the older man's shoulder, lips trembling.

"I'm so sorry. None of this should've happened to you," Luke whispered, his voice croaking.

"I should — I should probably be leaving you to get some rest," Stiles mumbled, backing up and wiping his tears with the sleeve of his flannel before standing up, "Goodnight." He gave him a forced smile before walking out of the room, running into a brick wall.

Wait! That's not a brick wall. That's a body.

Stiles' eyes slowly traveled up the black shirt and leather jacket of the person he ran into, only for his hazel eyes to land on deep blue ones that had him swallowing thickly. His heart kept in his chest and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Sorry," Stiles mumbled, looking down and trying to inconspicuously wipe the rest of the tears off of his face.

Alec swallowed thickly, not knowing how to comfort this boy. Hell, he didn't even know why he wanted to comfort him. "Stiles?" He cleared his throat once Stiles' eyes looked up at him, wide and innocent-like. "You're crying," he blurted out and cringed at himself. What the hell is wrong with him? "I uh— sorry, that was a stupid thing to say. Of course you're crying. I don't know—"

Stiles chuckled and placed his hand on Alec's bicep, feeling the hidden muscles underneath the clothing.

"It's okay, Alec. I'm fine, really. You shouldn't be sorry," the Stilinski told him, a small, but real smile appearing on his face. "Um—" He cleared his throat and quickly took his hand off of Alec's bicep. "–I should probably go and try to find an apartment to stay in." He gave the taller boy a small smile before trying to walk around him.

"Wait," Alec mumbled, grabbing his wrist to stop Stiles' movements. "You can live with me." His eyes widened at his wording as Stiles turned to him quickly with equally surprised eyes. "I mean..." he took in a deep breath, hating himself for how awkward he is currently being. "Come stay at the institute. It's not safe for you to be out in New York all alone." He swallows thickly, his blue eyes wide as he stared down at Stiles with what looked like shock and horror displayed across his handsome face.

"Really?" Stiles questioned with a completely dumbfounded look on his face.

"Yeah. Yeah. Totally." He nodded as he cleared his throat. "It would only be right for you to be at the Institute when you're clearly a Shadowhunter, and people are out to kill you."

Stiles nodded, remembering how his life almost ended merely hours ago. "Yeah, yeah, that makes sense." He then smiled up at Alec. "Show the way, arrow boy."

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