1:46 - Short Story

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I wrote this story for English and I hope you like it :) It was written as a short story, but I may continue on with it, so please leave a comment, vote and follow for a follow back - It would really encourage me to keep writing    <3



I was awoken abruptly from my uncomfortable slumber by a loud noise in the taxi. I reluctantly opened my eyes, fixing my necklace which was tight around my neck, to find the silly face of my sister dangling above me. Maddie was the type of person who liked to joke around, not as much as me of course, but she was still pretty funny. Her brown hair which was always soft, shiny and littered with natural blonde highlights cascaded down past her shoulders, swirling around her. She had amazing emerald green eyes that made you stop and look at them when you got even just a glimpse. They were a piercing green that you almost never saw. You may not be able to imagine it, but they went perfectly with her snow white skin. Have you got an image of Maddie? Well, now basically double her, add one blue left eye and minus a little bit of height, and you have me. I’m Lexi Grayson; identical twin, reading enthusiast, and pranking extraordinaire.

My Grandmother’s house was quite large for someone who lived alone, but I guess she didn’t want to move away from the beautiful country scenery that had been her home for almost 50 years. I walked up the gravel driveway towards the huge oak door. Maddie had beat me there and was waiting for Grandma to answer. As usual we would play the same trick that we always did when she greeted us. So when the door opened and we were in our places waiting either side of it, I was taken completely off guard when a young boy popped his head out. He looked around the same age as Maddie and I, maybe a little older, 16? 17? I immediately moved away from the wall to find out who this strange boy was. You could say I went super spy detective on him. My eyes traced his tall slender figure, from his messy blonde hair that was quite obviously dyed, down to his over worn sneakers. The closer he came, the better I could view him. His eyes were a soft brown, reminding me of a sweet caramel. He stumbled over one of the loose boards on the front porch as he walked toward the taxi that I had completely forgotten was there. I couldn’t help but let out a giggle as he walked slowly down the stairs, myself and Maddie following. He was the first to speak. “So you really are identical twins?” he asked, putting unnecessary emphasis on the ‘are’, his words practically dripping with malice. I answered with a simple “yep” over exaggerating the popping of the ‘p’ effectively ending the pointless conversation as we walked inside dragging our bags for our winter with Grandma. I walked up to the bedroom Maddie and I always shared, I was in a terribly bad mood. Who was this guy and why was he here, in the middle of no-where, in my Grandma’s house? What was worse was that I could hear him speaking with Maddie in the hall. I don’t know why, but I had a bad feeling about him.

When I finished unpacking I walked downstairs to find Grandma. She was sitting in her old rocking chair, book in hand and cat on lap. She had short, curly, ‘salt and pepper’ hair as she always called it with hazel eyes that changed colour with her moods. Her crinkled, olive skin was a result of her many years spent out in her beautiful garden. Oreo got up off her lap, stretched and jumped off of her walking over to where I was, Oreo was always my favourite cat. He was very good with people and always caught all the rats around the house, yucky vermin. He was a grey colour with subtle black stripes and he had patches of white on his paws and neck. He was a very cute cat, claws and all. I stretched my arms out to grab him, although instead of coming to me, he walked straight past and towards where ‘He’ was sitting. I scoffed walking to the kitchen, showing him that I was clearly annoyed. I made a bowl of cereal and sat at the marble counter where I started shovelling spoonful after spoonful of chocolaty goodness into my mouth. Which, might I add, was now overflowing with food, but I didn’t care, until guess who just had to walk in, what’s-his-name with a huge smirk on his face. Let us check my mood on the bad mood-o-meter… oops looks like I broke the scale. I think now was a pretty good time for a prank.

He didn’t seem to look suspicious as I walked towards him, he did though as I placed my hand on his cheek looking straight into his caramel eyes, ugh, and spat my cereal into his face. Not my best prank, if you could even call it that, but whatever it was, I found it hilarious. He looked shocked to say the least, also angry, verging on furious, and maybe just downright embarrassed. Either way I turned around and made a dramatic exit from the room. I found Grandma again and just couldn’t stop myself from bursting out with laughter at the scene I had just left behind me. Grandma and I talked for a while, just catching up. At some point Maddie walked in with mister prank-ee, I still didn’t know his name, but for all I cared his name could be Rumpelstiltskin.

When it was time for bed, I literally ran up the stairs three at a time, trying to get away from the boy whose name I had learnt was Thomas and that he was actually our cousin. I wonder why we’d never met him. I fell asleep with that same bad feeling.


I woke up surrounded by a pool of sweat. It was still night, and the moon was shining through the open curtains. I looked over to the side of the room to check the time, 1:46am, I rolled out of bed to go and get a midnight snack. Literally jumping down the stairs and almost running to the kitchen. That was until a loud and piercing scream echoed through the house. Okay something wasn’t right here. I hadn’t realised I was running, but I realised that I should have been, so I kept going. I flew down the halls barely recognising where I was. I could never over exaggerate the size of this house. I ran through the corridors frantically opening doors along the way. I must find it. I rounded corners at full speed, crashing into things in my haste. I ran up and down flights of stairs getting restless as I heard another scream. The last door I opened, I knew I had found where I needed to be. A flickering candle was the only source of light in the room, in the far corner I could faintly hear muffled sobbing, I didn’t know who was in there, but all I knew was that in that far corner was a locked closet. There was no key. There was no way in. I heard the loud clomping of someone coming near, I turned around to face Thomas who looked completely befuddled,

“I thought I locked you in the closet!”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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