The Lords Of Lies- The Lord Himself

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Liar liar pants on fire
Necks snapped on a wire
Soul roasted on the pyre
A drink
A toast
To me
The one who lies the most

The Lord of Lies
I'll twist your eyes
And you'll never even realize
I'll make you see a different me

You'll see the smile
The clown
Never a frown
Never a tear
Never my sadness or my fear

The useless lord
Hiding up in his castle
His feelings shut tight in his vault
Never to be found
Hidden behind the glimmer of his crown

Nobody will see the real me
Not the vanity...
The Insanity
The depravity
Or my obsession with perfection
All of its starting to sink in
Mixing with my anger 💢
With my greed
And my desire to make myself bleed

The desire to end it all
I think it might be time for this Lord to fall...

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