Chapter 1- Camila Cabello?

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Lauren knew herself it was going to be a very long day ahead of her, she had multiple friends at school and was in fact very popular, she was technically a boy magnet which secretly annoyed the crap out of her. She didnt like guys, ever since she was a little girl she knew the feelings for men were only friendly, she didnt think she liked girls at first, she just brushed it off, leaving her wondering. But by the time she turned 14, 2 years after questioning, that's when she was certain. She was a lesbian. And she was proud of it, not many people knew about her sexuality, the person to know very early was her best friend Dinah Jane. DJ for short. When Lauren had told Dinah she was very accepting and got worried when her best friend Lauren started distancing herself from her after letting her know, but she knew Lauren just needed some time so she gave her it.

Pulling Lauren out of her thoughts her mother Carla Shouted Her full name From Down the stairs "Lauren Michelle Jauregui!" Lauren hated it when her mother did that so Lauren completed ignored the voice and continued to pack her bags ready for school, again thoughts started darting into her head, zoning her out of the people and noises around her.
Hell... im so tired of this constant pressure, pressured into everything, school, Work, studying for final exams all the time dont i revise enough? Lauren thought to herself. She had a point. Lauren studied a lot. Sometimes skipping sleep just to revise for her finals. But that didn't stop her father, Micheal, Mike preferably, from bugging her about hard work needed. Lauren knew that herself. She was dedicated to her school life until she was sat in a classroom with Camila, she would always find herself not hearing the teacher and looking at camila from the corner of her bright green eyes. Lauren checked her timestable and realised she had sociology first, the same class as Camila has first. So i have sociology, great, another boring lesson.. but..hold on a damn minute... its in block C room 204, oh MY GOD THATS THE SAME ROOM CAMILAS IN FIRST PERIOD. She supposedly thought to herself again but not realising she screamed that out loud. Dinah was Behind her being there for at least 5 minutes laughing at lauren too dazed to realize her best friend had come to pick her up. "Still day dreaming over Cabello are we Jauregui?" Lauren snapped her head around giving DJ the biggest hug happy to see a supporting face in front of her. "Look, i know youre having fun thinking of camila in no clothes sweetie but its time to go" dinah laughed. "What the- am i not! why would you say such a thing." Lauren spat back. "Lauren Hunni, youre drooling and screamed about camila being in your class" Dinah told her friend. Well thats slightly embarrassing. Lauren thought but ended up bursting out laughing and dinah following on with the laughter herself. Not like it was true, lauren wasn't thinking of Camila in any way like that, but still followed on with Dinah's assumptions. 
By the time they reached school Ally was already waiting for her friends to get there. Dinah pulled up with lauren climbing out the passenger seat once they came to a hault. Dinah gracefully got out of the drivers side and screamed towards Ally "ALLYSUS MY GOD" Ally was a socially awkward girl so she become shy as multiple heads cocked their way because of how loud Dinah had shouted, one face being Camilas. Of course the first to notice was Lauren she froze at the sight of Camila in the parking lot leaning against her black BMW, "God shes so hot" Lauren blurted out. "Oh jesus shes not still hung up on that psycho is she" Ally muttered loud enough for both dinah and lauren to hear. Lauren shot her eyes towards the small brown haired girl. "If youre on about Camila, you best shut up alright." lauren half yelled, half whispered to Ally, threatening. "damn Loz, since when was you so defensive over her"... "since she had that massive crush on her" Dinah pointed out playfully. They all started laughing apart from Lauren who was  no doubt looking over at Camila. "Jauregui! snap out of it babe!" Ally laughed. "No,no i got this" Dinah added with a smirk. "HEY CABELLO" dinah screamed trying to sound as nice as possible screaming towards the dark haired girl still leaning against the car. Camila shot her look straight toward The three girls and lauren blushed slightly at the fact CAMILA had just looked over at her. Cabello stood slowly straight, the posture of her body was eerie as if she was ready to attack but she stood for a few moments before walking towards the school entrance. "i can not.. believe.. you just did that DJ." Ally said quietly. Sounding slightly frightened. "What if she came over and Killed Lauren or something?" "huh why me!?" Lauren snapped back. She eyed Dinah in a frustrated way. Dinah threw her hands up in surrender and Lauren couldn't help but laugh. Thats when the bell rang catching the girls off guard. They both walked to their lessons talking about the new Shakira album that had just came out before parting ways. Laurens mind was filled with one word right now. Camila.

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