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** this chapter will have a lot of drama in it, hopefully:)

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I felt my heart shatter into pieces.

I knew harry was sticking around with that girl.

I knew it.

I sank myself down onto the couch, crying my eyes out. Why do such bad things always have to happen to me?

It just not fair. It's cruel.

I started sobbing hard and loud. I felt Liam shake me abit. I being my attention to him, and he's saying that someone's knocking on the door.

I didn't even hear it.

I quickly wiped away the few tears dropping out of my eyes. I shot up, making my way towards the front door.

It's harry.

Harry fucking styles and that slut.

I looked at them both for a minute. Is this for real? I swear they only left the airport about half hour ago.

Why did he bring her here? Just to put her in my face and show that's he's now in love with someone else.

"What the fuxk harry.." I slapped him hard across the face, bringing a slight stinging sensation to my palm.

He looks pissed off, but I know he's trying to let it go.

"Kendall hear me out..I brought mollie here to clear this all u-."

"I don't want to hear it harry. It's real fuxking nice to meet the girl that got between me and harry. Nice to meet you. Mollie is it? Oh sorry I didn't know, my fiancé hasn't spoken to me in months because I bet he's been up your ass" I was now angry. Really really angry. I don't even think angry is the word for this right now.

"Kendall you've got it all wro-...what the fuxk is Liam doin here?" He stepped inside the house, pointing his finger at Liam.

Great. I better come up with a good excuse..but luckily Liam jumps in.

"I came looking for you mate. I've been staying at Danny's just down the road. You've done it really good this time you idiot!"

"I don't need a lecture from you li! Just fuxk off!! This is between me and Kendall and I don't need you telling me what I do is wrong"

I started to clench my fist.

"Don't talk to Liam that way. He's been more supportive than you have!" I raised my voice, harry just gave me the worst glance ever.

"Oh so now you're suddenly into Liam? Well I hope you to are fucking happy together" harry walks towards the door, pulling mollie along with him.

"Harry! This is over! We are fucking over!" I scream out the door, making harry stop dead in his tracks.

" don't mean that.." I could tell he now regrets everything. And he should. He treats me like shit and I don't deserve that.

I pull off the engagement ring, and throw it at him.

"Maybe you can ask mollie to marry you. You seem more interested in her than your girlfriend!" I stormed back to my house, only to stop when harry speaks up again.

"How many times do I have to tell you. I brought her here to tell you that there's nothing going on. She's an old collage friend. And you can't leave me. The children need a father." He points at my stomach.

"Yeah? Well they've got Liam!" And with that, I slammed the door in there faces.

I just stood there, a bit shaky, but hardly moving.

Then I just broke down. Tears were flowing out of me. I fell to the ground, with Liams arms wrapped around me.

I looked up at him, and gave him a small smile, before wrapping myself into his warm arms.

I don't think me and Liam will date. I just want him to be there for my kids. I can tell he would be a great father. But so would harry...



I said bye to mollie, while she drives off to wherever she had to go.

So I'm now just sat in front of Kendalls house..

Why did she have to leave Me? Yeah I was a jerk..and bringing mollie probably wasn't the best idea.

But still, she has no right to brake up with me.

I hold the engagement ring in my hands, and started to see drops of water spill on it.

Oh's starting to rain.

I have no where to go. I live with Kendall, and all my stuff is in there.

I turned around, seeing the door slowly open, revealing a crying Kendall.

"Kendall..I'm so sorry" I'm just stood in the middle of her driveway..soaken wet with heavy rain pouring on me.

She stood there for a couple of seconds not saying anything.

Then she started running towards me. Next thing you know, I've got her tangled in my arms, giving me a tight hug.

"I can't let you go harry..I need you!" She started crying against my shoulder.

"I need you to ken! I love you so much! And I'm sorry that I treat you like shit" she pulls back, looking onto my eyes.

Her eyes are beautiful. I missed lookin into them so much.

I gave her a sweet kiss, which lasted forever.

I could see the lust in her eyes, is was amazing.

I'm so glad I've got her back.

I've got my ken back. And I'm not leaving her again.


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