Before the Adventure

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The species in this story are called Dhoenixians, pronounced Deo-fen-nixian.

Dhoenixians are demon wolves with toxic, acidic, and radioactive components.

When in their demon form, they measure 9 feet tall.

They have toxic saliva.

This species is not made by me, it was made by a friend of mine.

The alpha of this pack, or the executive, is called the Overlord.

The second-in-command is called Primal Emmanations.

The story takes place in a world called Feran.

The characters in this story are british, except for the godsisters.


Rynoarc: Rin-no-arch

Delphyra: Dell-fai-rah

Mynona: Min-no-na

Elixa: Eh-lic-sa

Raevyn: Ra-ven

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