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'who the fuck is that Peter Kavinski guy?' peter asked, looking back at me.

'only the most perfect fictional guy ever' I stood up pointing at the book I was reading, "all the boys I've loved before".

'he's fictional, he can't be perfect' Peter scoffed.

My jaw dropped 'have you ever read a book?'

'of course' peter keeps scoffing.

'but have you ever read a book where you just fall in love with the character. You know when the author describes the little things he does so perfectly. Like how he always smiles in a way that gives her butterflies- no the whole zoo-'

'I get it, you like the book' Peter stopped me and I laughed.

'I get if you don't like this book but there has to be a book you like' I let myself fall on the couch.

'I don't really like reading' he shrugs. 'but I do like you'.

He smirks, looking down at me, he squats down next to me and I sit up.

'do you?' I ask, putting my arms over his shoulders

'yes I do' he smiles and pulls me on his lap in the most smooth way I have ever seen.

'well than, I have a question for you' I brush my finger over his cheek to his lips.

'and what is that?' he looks at me, which gives me butterflies.

'will you go to the Halloween party with me?' I ask.

It was a month since we've been together, 3 months since we met and started dating. The Halloween is a big thing, I think we- as a couple- are ready.

'what?' he frowned 'the Halloween party?' he says, in a sarcastic and judging way.

'yes, the annual Halloween party, the only party I go too. it's the biggest party of the year. Everyone in the town will go and do their best on the costume. There will be a Halloween king and queen. It's almost like prom but than in October and bigger' I told him as I stood up and walked around.

'you're saying this stupid Halloween party is bigger than prom?' he asked me

'yes, and it's not a stupid party. It's the one party everyone goes too. it's like the ski trip in "to all the boys I've loved before?". A few relationships start there, but mostly end'

'then why should we go?'

'because' I looked at him as I turned my body towards him 'if we survive this party, we survive everything'

'what makes this party so special? it's just dress up'

'it's not just dress up Peter. Everyone prepares for this thing, the whole year. Only the most original and best outfits get notified. And what makes it special is that it's the only party that is held at the evergreen'

'what the hell is evergreen?'

'you know that big mansion you drive past when you enter the town' I wait until he slowly nods. 'that's the evergreen Chateau. It's towns property but only one time a year a few students get the key. Than we can hold the biggest party of the year. Everyone is invited. Like I said, many relationships get ruined. But also, you know the saying "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"?'

He nods, frowning 'of course'.

'the popular town saying is; "what happens in evergreen, stays in evergreen". People cheat, do drugs, get drunk, do everything god forbid but only that night god forgives. An out stander doesn't know what happened because it's an unwritten rule to not tell anyone.'

'so basically, is don't go-'

'you will never know what happens' I tell him.

'you seem quite excited to do drugs, get drunk and cheat on me' he scoffs

'oh honey, I'm not going to do any on those things. The fun part is to stay sober and see all the stupid things people do. Only cool people stay sober' I kept telling like it was my dream.

which is kind of was. I've always wanted to be the couple that makes head turn, just like in the movies.

'Blake, Julian and Brendon are one of the cool people right?'

'no, when I say cool people I mean Mike, Alison and Sophie' I tell him

'oh gosh' he laughs and stands up.

'so you coming with me or not?' I asked while standing up and walk to stop in front of him.

'no' he laughed and kept walking.

'what?' I exclaimed. 'this is a really big deal to me Peter'

'and you're also not going' he turned to me for a second

'oh no' I scoffed and followed him. 'this is the only party I like, and go too. I'm going whether you like it or not'

'Chrissy your not going, it's to dangerous' he told me, biting into an apple.

'I've survived the last 4 years I went and I didn't even know you. I think I will fine' I was now getting mad. He's not in a place to be the boss over me like that, no one will ever be in that place.

'I see the way guys look at you, and I'm guessing you are going to dress up in one of those slutty costumes. Guys will attack you, so you're not going' he casually said, his replaced frame is getting to me.

'if you go with me, you can protect me' I try to get him to go.

'I'm not going Chrissy, and you're not too' he kept saying.

'you know what. I'm leaving, you can do whatever the hell want tomorrow. Because I'm preparing for the party' I walked back to the living room to grab my bag. Luckily, we're at his house.

'no Chrissy, you're not going' he follows me.

'hate to break it to you peter, but you are not the boss of me. I'm going to the party' I angrily put on my coat.

'you're going to do stupid things' he tried to stop me again

'than that's my own fault' I yelled at him as I opened the door

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