6 4 3

“I’m home,” puffed Tammie, opening the door to her house. Tammie had 7 brothers and sisters and

inside it looked like some had set a bull loose. People were running around and the place was a

mess. Tammie made a space on the floor, clearing a clutter of toys and dumped her school bag. She

yelled “Hi” and then raced upstairs to the attic for some peace and quiet.

Although the attic was a small musty place, Tammie loved it. The room was dominated by a large,

broken –down grandfather clock, which hadn’t uttered a tick or a tock in years. The floorboards let

out a series of creaks as Tammie made her way to a moth-eaten chair. This was Tammie’s favourite

spot to relax and as she stretched and let out a long sigh, she heard it. The clock was whirring.

Tammie took a close look at the clock. She explored the large timber frame, running her hands along

the back and was surprised to feel what seemed like a switch. She clicked it and a panel slid open

with a smooth “whoosh”. Inside there were rows of buttons with the numbers 0 – 10 marked on

them. Above these numbers were buttons marked PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. Tammie

absentmindedly clicked PAST and the numbers 1503.

There was a tearing sound like ripping paper and the attic melted away. It became a stone room

with a fire place in one corner.  In the middle of the room stood and old man with a long beard,

wearing strange clothes. “Hello?” said Tammie cautiously. The old man turned and looked at her.

“Ahh! Mona! You are here”. “Wh-wh-wa-what?” Tammie stammered as the old man grabbed her by

the arm, guiding her over to where an easel and paints were set up. “Sit girl.” Reluctantly, Tammie

sat and remained very still for several hours, as the man (Leonardo Da someone or other) painted

her portrait. Finally he said “Done” and when he turned his back, Tammie made a dash for the clock.

She slammed the PRESENT button and the old man and his house melted back into her attic. “Was

this a time machine?” Tammie asked herself.

She made her way down the stairs, scratching her head trying to make sense of what had just

happened.  She was greeted by another strange si9ght, her brothers and sisters were busy tidying

the house. They weren’t running around in circles being complete lunatics! “Hello, who are you”

asked Tammie’s sister Julie. “I’m your sister”, replied Tammie. Julie pointed to a family photo on the

wall “I think I’d know if you were my sister”. The problem was there was no Tammie in the photo.

Tammie had read enough science fiction to realise she must have had messed with the space-time

continuum (whatever that was!). “Oh Man!” Tammie muttered. She decided she must go back and

fix the problem. Tammie had the feeling this was going to be a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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