Dont you dare judge me
When you know nothing about me
Don't you dare point your fingers
When you cant understand me
Mind your own business
I don't have time for nonsense
Get a life
Or else run a mile
Just leave me alone
Is something going wronge
Cant you see your own mistakes
All I know is you are a fake
Just get a life
Leave me for a while
Do what you wish
And the rest you can't miss
Have I ever poked into you
Did I ever tell you what you need to do
My be you have lost your mind
My advice for you is to unwind
Abuser abused... And collection of other poems.
PoetryPoem about a drug addict? Written initially by a real addict. I have edited it and written in my Own words. Other poem is just how i was feeling recently. The last poem is a be continued. Your comments r highly appreciated.