Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe how hot I was getting. It was way hotter than swimming through lava. How did I ever let Shirayuki convince me to go to the ball, let alone let the royal fancy me up. The layer of dust was washed out of my hair revealing my long waves of silver upon my head sat a flower crown of scarlet roses which clashed with my hair giving it more of a white appearance. The roses also matched the dress I was in, a simple scarlet lace ball gown, which matched Yuki's cream. The two of us looked to be a pair, which go course we were.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," I hissed at her, hugging myself as I stayed between her and a wall. I was on a room full of nobles and blue bloods, all would spit upon me upon learning I was not of the same class. I was on the fence between running out or starting a rampage. As I was unarmed, I was more stuck to being close to running away.

Shirayuki looked up at me, the head taller I was of her, with a smile tinted to match the red of her hair. "You'll be fine Rozu," my little sister assured me.

I frantically shook my head. "I will not," I protested, "I've learned to trust Zen, but I doubt I could anyone else."

Speak of the devil, here came the second prince. He was on a quest. A quest to find my sister no doubt. I let go of her hand so it was free to go his. I stepped aside letting the love bride have their space. My eyes scanned the crowd looking for the nearest exist. "May I have this dance?" someone interrupted my search.

I looked to find Mitsuhide holding his hand out infront of me. "Sure..." I said half heartedly taking his hand and letting him lead me to the dance floor.

He gave me a smile as we turned to face one another. "Sorry, I can't leave Zen alone, but I felt wrong leaving you alone," he said in a hushed voice. "But don't worry, I hate these things too. It's best just to do a couple dances and disappear."

I smile at his kindness as he held me at arms length and kept a slow dance pace. Little did he know this wasn't my first ball. "I've learned it's better not to dance at all," I informed him, "If you even do a single dance people will know you are willing to that evening and will not leave you alone until they get their own dance out of you."

He didn't have much time to process what I said before the dance demanded he spin me out. Expecting me to trip over my own feet he was surprised to find I came back gracefully. "I gather this isn't your first ball," the aid said with a smirk.

I returned one of my own. "It is not, but I do hope it's my last,"I confessed.

He gave me an understanding smile. " I doubt it, but we have a steadily growing group of those who think the same thing, that balls are stupid. " I laughed a little bit at this statement.

We bowed to eachother, as the song had finished. I turned to follow Mitsuhide off the dance floor only to face the mugs of all the blue bloods watching me. Yup time for me to go. But just like before my quest was halted. "Akarozu, may I?" Prince Zen asked me. I was utterly flustered and scared, but in now way would it be appropriate for me to refuse. Then I ended up dancing with the second prince, with all eyes on me. They knew of Shirayuki, but I was new.

I looked down at the prince I could say was becoming my friend, in those all too familiar sapphire eyes. It must have looked strange to on lookers. I'm usually just a bit taller than the prince, but in the heels I was wearing I was half a head taller. "There is something I must ask you?" Zen asked me dead serious, which was strange coming from him.

"I will not kill for you," I said jokingly, "We aren't that close yet." He looked at me with a worried look. "It's a joke," I assured him, "Serious doesn't suit you, your highness."

With my advice he tried putting on a smile. "Back to the topic at hand," yeah that didn't help much. "I'd like to ask you for Shirayuki's hand in marriage." I cocked my head in surprise and confusion. "I plan on asking her later this evening. I just want to know I have you blessing."

I smiled and looked off over his shoulder to find my sister dancing with Obi. They were such good friends. Too bad he had a crush on her. OFF TOPIC. "No you don't," I reminded him. "She's very independent, and isn't someone's to give away. Whether she dose or not is entirely up to her." I glanced back down at the prince with a smile. "But I do want you to know, You have my trust."

Zen was quick to rush off with a smile on his face. It was before the song even ended. I could feel ever person's gaze land on me in the entire room. I needed to leave. Once again a tall figure came and scooped me away from doing so. I looked up to find a familiar face. One I thought I wouldn't see in a long while.

Those eyes those familiar, comforting, sapphire eyes. The golden blond hair that would shine in the sun, though shorter just as stunning. The mouth that never flinched but always seemed to be stuck in a smile, in my eyes at least. With everything, even his over the top clothing, it was the eyes that gave him away. The same eyes his younger brother held. Stood before me was both the man who changed me for the better, and Prince Izana, first prince of Clarines.

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