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"I wanna be alone"

The handcuffs are forcefully placed on my wrist and are fastened tightly, digging into my skin. The guard dressed in navy blue pushes me into a white mini van. Occupying the drivers seat is a lady dressed in a beige prison uniform with short black hair and red lipstick. I'm forced into a seat and the guard puts my seatbelt on and slams the door of the van, taking a seat next to me. I sigh and look out the window, about to leave my old life and begin 4 years in the Litchfield Correctional Institute. "Hey kiddo, I'm Morello. And you are?"

"I'm Brielle... or Bree, just call me Bree."

"Well my names Lorna, but in here we go by last name. So I'm Morello, and you are?"

"Smith" I guess i'm going to have to get use to people calling me that.

"So Smith. What are ya in for?" Morello asks breaking the silence.

"Drug possession and armed robbery" I said still looking out the window, making sure to take everything in before I'll be locked up.

"And how old are you?" Morello asks

"I just turned 19 a few months ago" I reply back

"Huh one of the younger ones I see. We only have one other 19 year old with us. Her names Miller"

"Well thank God I'm not alone" I say with a breath of relief. Morello nods her head and focuses her attention back onto the road ahead.

We pull up at an oldish looking building enclosed by fences and my stomach drops as realisation hits me. This is where I will spend the next 4 years of my life. "Well Smith, welcome home" Morello unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the vehicle. Meanwhile the guard from earlier unbuckles mine, grabs my bound wrists and yanks me out of the van. I trudge behind him as he enters through the prison. I take one more glance of the outside world and step inside of the prison. 

Every single head turns my way as I walk through the entrance of the prison. I try and hold my head up high as everyone whispers and looks in my direction. 

"Aww look at the newbie"                  

"I call dibs" My head shoots into the direction of the voice and I see an older looking butch lady with short black hair. She smirks at me. Another older looking woman with wild, frizzy hair steps out from behind her. 

"Huh we'll see about that!" The lady with the black hair glares at her, while the one with the wild hair looks me up and down and gives a nod in my direction. 

The short, black haired woman rolls her eyes at the other woman. "Shut it Nichols" 

Nichols scoffs before winking at me and walking off in the opposite direction. I continue to follow the guard and am led into a small room with a camera. My picture is taken and my name tag is clipped onto my bright orange prison uniform. More tests are done and Morello comes back in and tells me to follow her.

"This is the dining hall, common room, counselor's office..." I look around taking everything in, still getting numerous looks of people. I begin to walk off when I see a young looking woman with blonde cornrows braided in her hair sitting at a table. She notices me looking and nods at me. I feel my cheeks slightly warm up and I bow my head. As I look back up I see another younger looking girl with dark hair take a seat next to the girl with the cornrows. The blonde girl smiles at her and kisses her on her forehead. "Smith. Let's go" I roll my eyes and continue to follow Morello, taking another glance at the blonde girl. 

Morello guides me into what looks like our bunks. "Alright Smith this is you. Demarco, this is Smith. She's new, so show her around please." The older woman who must be Demarco nods her head "sure." Morello hand me a pack of tissues and a toothbrush 

"Good luck Smith. First night is always the worst" I nod my head

"Well thank you. For everything." I reply back to her

"Aw don't worry about it. It's no problem at all." Morello pats me on the shoulder and walks out of the bunk.

I turn around and I see Demarco, a random woman and another one with wild frizzy hair. 'Shit! you have got to be kidding me' I say to myself as her eyes scan over me once again. Demarco piped up "Okay so, that's Miss Rosa. And that's Nichols" My eyes roll as Nichols stands up and walks towards me. "Hi gorgeous. I'm hoping we get to know each other really, really well" She inches closer to me and looks down slightly to meet my gaze. 

"In your dreams Nichols" I say and head towards my bunk, placing my pillow down. 

Fastforward to dinner

I walk into the dining hall with a tray of food in my hand feeling slightly overwhelmed. Not knowing where to sit I take a seat by myself. I'm joined a few seconds later by Nichols and the same woman from before with the short black hair. They both frantically speed towards me and sit on either side of me. 

"Piss off Nichols. I got here first." I roll my eyes 'here we go again' I think to myself

"Oh fuck off Boo. She likes me more than you." Nichols looks at me and judges me in the ribs with her elbow. "Isn't that right new roommate." Boo's looks at me and than back at Nichols in shock. 'I can't take this anymore' I think to myself. I stand up and rush off to my bunk. 

"Smith! Where are you going. Come back" 

I keep speedwalking until I reach my bunk. I plonk myself on the bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling above me. I sigh in relief as I am finally alone. Sometimes being alone is the worst feeling, but it can definitely also be the best too. I roll onto my side and feel my eyes getting droopy. My eyes close and I fall into a deep sleep. 

HOSTAGE - Tricia Miller (oitnb)Where stories live. Discover now