Finding Out

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Kurt Williams was an ordinary teenager in Camber-well, London. His dad worked on the Great Bell, the giant clock tower in Westminster, London every day. Kurt then decided to go with his father to the Great Bell to help work on it, but to also see his father because his father would work all day and would have to spend a weekend there until the next person would arrive to take his place. When Kurt woke up that day he thought how hard his father works, so he decided to head there. It was cloudy that day but that didn't stop him from seeing his dad. The day went on as Kurt helped his dad on the clock. It was raining for hours. As Kurt was working on part of the clock lightning struck. He only got a little jolt of a shock it didn't bother him so he just continued to work until the day ended then he went home.

The next day Kurt gets a message on his phone from his friend Ava. Ava Willow was kind but also tuff she liked to do a lot of what the guys did, no makeup, fancy clothes, got dirt on her jeans, and was a daredevil. The conversation went like this.

"Hey wanna hang out today?"

"Heyt, yeah I have nothing else to do."

"Dude they got a new movie in the movie theater tonight, wanna see it?"

"I'm so in, what is it?"

"The Storm."

"Sounds interesting, meet you at the usual spot?"

"Yep see you there."

As they both meet up at Camberwell Green, a park close to their houses. Ava was sitting on a bench when Kurt got off his bike and walked up and sat next to her. They talked and did tricks on their bikes for a few hours, but soon got bored, Ava decided that they should get ice cream. On their way they took shortcuts through dirty dusty alleyways, as they were walking Ava got grabbed behind, as this happens kurt reached out his hand to grab her but he was transported back to the bench where they were sitting before. He was shocked Ava was there with him and as he was about to ask her what just happened she said that they should go get ice cream. Was he going insane this happened only just a few minutes ago before she got kidnapped. Could he reverse time?

He agreed and decided to go the same way they did before, through the dirty dusty alleyways. As they walked down the same corridor, and Ava was grabed again. He reached out his hand to test his theory out and it did he was back on the benches with Ava. the same thing happened she said they should get some ice cream, but before she could take his wrist he grabbed hers instead and avoided the alleyways. Ava was confused they always went through the alleys. He said he wanted to try a different route this time, Kurt didn't want to tell her just yet. They both walked up to the small ice cream cart and each got their usual flavors. Kurt got chocolate and Ava got rocky road. Once they were done getting their cone they walked back to the park. It was around five o'clock so they sat on a bench; finished their ice cream. After that they soon headed home to help their parents and then eat their dinner before they went to the movies.

They both met up at the park again and started heading to the theatre. The movie they are going to watch is about a girl who is returning to her hometown from Seattle. She had left her friend behind for five years and never talked to her. They soon met up and had made up, but the girl knew that there was going to be a huge tornado that would destroy the town. The girl tried her best to save the town but she never could, but she did save her friend and watched the town get destroyed by the huge tornado.

After the movie Kurt decided he was ready to tell Ava that he had powers and that he had saved her life earlier today. They walked back to the park he told her that he needed to tell her something. After he told her what happened today she couldn't believe him so she told him to prove that he could reverse time. He couldn't exactly show her this process so he told her to show him everything she had in her pockets and he would reverse time. After that he would tell her everything she had in her pockets. She did what he told her, she had her phone, a sharpie, five dollars, and the key to her house. Once she showed him everything in her pockets he reversed time right after he said he was going to so, Ava would remember except for showing him the stuff in her pockets. He told her everything she thought it was super cool that he had a superpower and saved her life. It was getting late so they both walked back to their house and planed to meet again the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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