Hi! My name is Alison, but everybody call me Ali. I'm sixteen and I have wavy long drak brown hair and dark brown eyes.
I'm in love with makeup, I love to read books and watch Netflix.
My dream job is to be a singer, but i'm very shy , I never had singing lessons and also never sang in front of no one except my best friend Sarah (and in the shower). Sarah always love to hear me singing and she says that I sing very well and someday I'll be a famous singer but I'm not so sure.
My full name is Alison Peyton López and I was born in Spain but my all life I lived in the England.
I have a big brother, which his name is Arthur and he is 25, a 18 years old sister, named Nancy, and a little sister, named Bella with 5 years.
My mom died last year and I was the most close to her of my tree brothers, beyond my dad ,I'm the one suffering the most.My dad think that I should change because I sometimes still cry because of my mom's died so I move to my big brother's house, which in a different city.
Arthur live with his pregnant wife, Veronica. Veronica is Sarah's bigger sister (my bestie),she is 25 too and she is pregnant with my nice Karen, which she still have 5 mouths.
In my new home we have 2 poodles, Carl and Madie both from the same brood.
I'm really enjoying live in here, but i'm shared because tomorrow it's my frist day of my new school.
New City, New School, New Me
ChickLitHi! My name is Alison and this is my story since I move the city until meet the love of my life...