New beginnings

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From the day you showed up out of no where I knew you would mean so much to me. Your tail wagged as you found your way around your new home and the pitter patter of your tiny paws across the old worn out tiles that lie in my kitchen echoed throughout the house. The first night I made a small nook for you at the foot of my bed with the softest blankets and a few toys. I tucked you in and and then proceeded to my spot for the night. As I tuned out the light and and snuggled down deeper into my sheets I heard a small whining noise and a small tug on the faded comforter that hung off my bed. I was confused for a moment forgetting I wasn't alone in this big empty house for once.
I peered over my bed slightly and there you were, sitting patiently waiting for me to notice you. Your black fuzzy coat that covered all of you but a small patch of white on your chest, almost made it impossible to see you. We made eye contact and you perked up immediately. I knew what you wanted and I figured it wouldn't be so bad to have a companion to sleep with. I rolled over to the edge of my bed and just as I lower my hands you jumped up to meet them. I then laid back down with you by my side and almost instantly you fell asleep in my arms. I stayed awake a little longer running my hand along your silky coat until I soon too drifted to sleep.
I awoke the next morning to your small body standing upon my chest jumping all around and licking my nose. I am not usually a morning person, always awaking with the pissed off at the world feeling that stayed deep in my gun until I had a chance to brew a pot of coffee and properly wake up. However, when I opened my eyes and saw your curios tiny beaded eyes staring back at mine, with the glimmer of innocence still present, there was no possible way I could be mad at you. I did push you off of me and to the other side of the bed, though, in hopes of a few more minutes of rest. That small hope became just another fantasy when you made your way back to my body with more energy than before. I knew then there was no way I was getting any more rest this morning.
I put you down on the floor and you sat there and waited for me as I tried desperately to stretch the exhaustion from my body. A few moments later I made my way to the kitchen with you following intently at my feet. As I waited for the coffee and toaster to finish, I put the soft canned dog food onto the floor for you to eat. I turned back around to the marble counter top and finished preparing my very nutritional meal of toast with peanut butter on top. As I was putting the cap back on the peanut butter I was jolted into the air by a sudden clash of noise behind me. I turned around and you were sitting next to the flipped over can of dog food that covered my floor. In that instance, as the strong oder of the processed food filled my nose and your gleaming black eyes watching me intently I had a sense you were not going to eat this food. I quickly cleaned the mess that covered my floor and then rummaged through my cupboards for something else you might like. However, I am not the tallest person and in the midst of reaching for the top shelf I knock a piece of my toast onto the floor. Oh great another mess to clean first came to my mind until I looked down to see you gobbling up the piece of toast I just dropped. It hadn't occurred to me to you like the toast but little by little you finished the entire piece not even leaving a crumb left on the floor. You looked up at me when you finished, with the proudest little look on your tiny face that made my stomach burst with happiness.

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