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So I've finally mustered up the courage to write HQ!! oneshots! (they probably suck though ;3;) Anyways, I'll be starting off with this dork here, I hope you guys enjoy it and the future one shots to come! 

Don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment what you thought, if you wish to that is. THANKS FOR READING!! And I hope you guys can support me on this >v< (even though it sucks, again ;3;)


We disliked each other, yes. But when came the request from my nemesis—Oikawa Tooru—to be his pretend girlfriend to fend off a stalker, I couldn’t possibly say no. I could wish him death, as a joke, but that’s all I can do. Even for a joke, that’s a little too cruel, isn’t it? Maybe I should give him a chance…

“(Name)-chan~! What took you so long~? I was beginning to think you dumped me!” Oikawa leans against the school gate, pouting childishly. An irk mark appears on my forehead. Give THIS a chance? Thanks, but no thanks.

I open my mouth to spit out my bottled feelings but quickly seal it shut upon spotting students, male and female, whispering at the sight of us. Only he and I know this is an act. We’ve been like this for a week now. Our act is probably convincing since no one questioned our ‘relationship’ thus far. But it never hurts to be cautious. “Wouldn’t you and another be glad if I did~?”

He looks left and right, back and front, as if making sure the coast was clear. He forces a smile (like his smiles were genuine to begin with) and says, “You damn brat.”

“Technically, we’re the same age. Calling me a ‘brat’ is the same as calling me senpai. In other words, it doesn’t work that way, Oikawa-san.” OR, IN ACTUALITY, if someone here should be called a brat, then it’s you. “If only your fangirls see this side of you, they’ll get disillusioned.”

“C’mon, (Name)-chan! I’m a pretty nice guy—“He pauses, a playful smirk working its way to his lips. “Just not to you~”

Again, this guy he—never fails to piss me off. If it were up to me, I would’ve stopped helping him on the spot. I can’t do that though. I have to fulfill my end of the deal just like he does. I still don’t understand how being his pretend girlfriend will help fend off the stalker (actually, doesn’t that make things worse?) however that’s got nothing to do with me, so long as I get my daily sweets from him, I’m good.

“Hand it over,” I say, extending out my hand. He grunts and rummages through his pocket before slamming a box of chocolates in my hand. “Yay~” I smile to myself and open the box, munching on the first piece that caught my eyes. “Delicious!”

Oikawa quietly stares at me, the same way he stares at something he’s observing, and it made me feel quite uncomfortable.  I frown. “W-what is it?”

“Oh, just—“He taps his chin, that smirk of his that I’m beginning to think is permanent still there. “It’d be sweet if you were as sweet as those chocolates~”

“Was that an attempt to flirt, mock, or joke? Whatever it is, it’s definitely NOT working.”

“Pf, how boring~”


I heave a sigh of irritation and steal a glance at the annoyance next to me. Really now, aren't we taking this acting thing to a realistic level? Why the heck does he have to walk me home too?!  Saying something like it’s a boyfriend’s duty to do that and as his ‘girlfriend’ I should let him do as he pleases.

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