Entry 3- September 5, 2018

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Love. What seems to be an easy to understand field when in reality only a half or few of humanity has figured out what love really means and how it is applied. From what people say that there is different types of love like Eros(Cupid), Filial(Family), Platonic(Philosophical), And Agape(Developed) types of love, just to name a few, I think is something for us to comprehend and have a better perspective of what love truly is and I have to say that it truly is helpful. Love is what one would rely on, use as an inspiration, a driving force used to strive on from their problems but for me love.... Love is something else, one that i despise of. A bitter thought as one would say, it really is because for me love is something I rarely met in my life since it would either be me trying to love and would fail or me forgetting what love feels and neglecting others that truly loves me. I loved three people so far with the opposite gender and it's suffice to say that it didn't go so well for the first has rejected me, the second has left me without a legitimate reason, and the third has one that prefers more than me and considering the fact that most of society is not loving genuinely but all for the "good" parts of it and taking the consideration that influences in our world like songs, films, social media spreading the wrong messages in which the following generations would apply in their life and that could destroy their lives. The third would be the last for it would be my last mistake in love, no more stupid immature ness and hopefully others would be more cautious.

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