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The lights blinded me as flashes went miles a minute. "Princess Nataliya! Why are you here at the premiere?" Shouted a blond reporter and others shouted more questions. "When can we expect another return?" another screamed as I tried to walk through the red carpet. This is one of those moments were I hate being a Princess. I made it to the end and entered the building. The lights blinded me for a few minutes and I fell to the floor. A rriiipppp sounded and felt something heavy fall onto me. "Oy! Buddy off of me!" I forced out. Damn this guy is heavy. A chiseled face appeared with fear in it. "I-I'm so sorry I was looking for the bathroom." I nodded and gave a look that meant it was ok.

I walked forward not a step more and I was nearly knocked out.



I felt arms pick me up and the boy I had bumped into carried me bridle style to a van close by. I'm guessing he didn't know I was barely conscious.  He was panicked and banged the door really loud. I moaned in pain as my head throbbed. I felt him tense at it and i could barely make out a Asian dude opening the door. "Woah David what's -wait WHY DO YOU HAVE A GIRL IN YOUR ARMS?" he screamed and I groaned in pain. He panicked as well and I heard more voices I couldn't recognise. The David dude that was carrying me had explained what happened. I felt cold and shivered. The others that I couldn't tell who was who panicked and had the light brown hair one drive away.

And that's what I remembered last.


I groaned and sat up my vision blurred. Remind me to not wear my contacts to sleep. My green eyes scanned my surroundings amd I realized I wasn't in my room. I was in a gray walled room with a Pac man game system and boys clothes everywhere. "Hey! Will stop touching my food!" a young voice cried and I heard foot steps come to the room. The asian guy i saw before I blacked out walked in, shrieked a girly shriek, and ran out screaming "She's awake! She's awake! She's awake! She's awake!" My head began hurting and I stood up.

Not good. I felt something come up and reached for the closest thing to throw up in and it happens to be a sneaker. With no time to regret it I spilled it in the shoe. I coughed and put it down. I sat at the edge of the bed. "Um, erm, ahhhhhhh!" The guy came  shrieked again and raced away. "Hello? Can I speak to a mentally stable person?" I asked in my princess voice. A thin but muscle framed boy walked in. "Please don't sue us!" he said at first. "Bro just explain why I'm in the smelleist teenage boy room ever?" I asked letting loose and he looked puzzled.

I faceplamed "I thought princesses especially didn't say that?" he said question filled. "Well I never said I was like most princesses." "Well sorry for this, David had bumped into you and knocked you out. He freaked and brought you to us and we had to go somewhere before the paps thought we were gonna rape you or something." i nodded. "Got some clothes I can borrow and can you drive me to my hotel?" he blushed and nodded. "My names Cole by the way." he muttered and called for the asian dude named Will.

Will dug through his drawers and handed me a set of clothes and showed to the bathroom. I waved him off and climbed into the tub. I washed up and dress in his oversized clothes. I walked out and found my way to the living room. "Hey okay so I really need my wallet and a ride to my hotel!" I said. They all looked puzzled. "What?" "Your Princess Nataliya of the North Mexican Nation Islands, right?" I nodded.

      (a/n Fake country I made up!)

"Why are you so chill?" I groaned. "Not every Princess is prissy and demanding. You stereotypical monkies." I muttered. "Sorry, umm, here's your stuff." David handed me a bag with the dress and stuff. "Hey do you have food I am famished!" I exclaimed and they began to look puzzled again. "Do I have to facepalm all the time with you guys?" I questioned. They shrugged and a curly haired and dark skinned boy younger than me handed me a plate with food.

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