The Surprise at the Battle Of Hogwarts

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Voldemort has just shown up at t he battle of Hogwarts which has everybody scared.


Because Harry Potter, their saviour, has been missing for the past year, and wasn't able to help Ron and Hermione destroy his horcruxes not that anyone knows about them.

When Harry Potter disappeared it put everyone of edge. Was it death eaters that took him? Is he being tortured? Could he be dead and the wizarding world will finally perish?

"How doess it feel knowing your ssaviour issn't here to ssave you," Voldemort hisses to everyone.

"At first we were all terrified, but it has made us stronger and able to stand up for ourselves," Ron spits back.

"Well you aren't going to ssee him any time ssoon."

"Is he dead," a fearful Ginny asks.

"No. Worse." Draco sneers making everyone on the light take a step back as everyone on the dark steps forward.

Suddenly Hermione steps forward saying "you will never win this war, because you are just a bunch of lowly death eaters and a couple of maniacs."

Ron then fires the first curse which begins the final battle.


After a couple of hours of fighting and many deaths on both sides, it was clear that the dark was winning.

"Where's Harry when you need him?" questions Neville before he was hit with a stray bat-bogey hex.

With all the fighting going on only Voldemort heard the sound of apparition to his left and turned to see...

Two children!!!

"STOP!!!!" Voldemort screamed which resulted in the battle pausing and everyone turning to look at him.

"What? Have you finally decided to retreat?" Ron pants out.

"No why on earth would I do that? But two children just ssomehow aparrated here onto the field and I'm not sso heartless ass to hurt innocent kidss."

This caused everyone to look at the children as they chase each other back and forth while giggling before they noticed blond hair.

"Unce Dwaco!" the kids screamed running towards Draco who picked them up.

"Now what are you two doing here and not with your mother?" Draco asks them.

"We are hiding fwom mama."

Suddenly someone else aparrated onto the field but what shocked everyone was that it was Harry Potter and he looked frantic but what shocked them even more was that he looked like he was going to start crying but stopped when he saw Voldemort.

"Tom! You need to help me! I was playing with our kids but they've disappeared and I can't find them anywhere a-a-and I-I'm s-such a t-terrib-ble m-mother," Harry stutters as he starts to cry into the Dark Lords shoulders.

"Mama!" the kids yell causing Harry to look up at them before pulling them into a hug saying "my babies, don't ever scare me again like that do you hear me."

"We sowwy mama," the kids quietly say as they hold onto their mother.

"I'm sorry but what the f**k is going on here," Ron shouts out.

"Ron language, there are children present," Harry says.

"Yeah about that mate. What the hell is going on here. First two kids call Draco uncle, then you appear after a year calling those kids yours as well as the Dark Lords!"

"Well Ron," Harry begins as he stand up facing him and handing his kids to Draco, "when two people love each other very much, they-"

"Okay, I don't need to know about that, just explain where you've been for the last year." 

"Okay, well for a while now me and Tom have been talking and getting to know each other and I suppose that let to a relationship and when I went 'missing' I was with Tom and somehow got pregnant-"

"You! Pregnant?!"

"Yes Ron pay attention. Anyway after 9 months I ended up having twins and what I didn't expect was that after a month they look and act as if they're 3 years old."

At this the kids in Draco's arms start reaching for Voldemort while saying "dada" making him chuckle and kiss them on their cheeks.

"Hey Harry," Draco starts, "why don't you and the kids go back home and rest whilst your lover finishes up his business."

"Yeah sure," Harry replies, "my feet are still killing me anyway."

With that Harry grabbed his kids and aparrated away back to wherever he came from and while the light side was still focused on the spot where Harry last stood the dark side quickly casted the killing curse at them all causing them to drop dead with the dark side winning the war.


Hey guys thanks for reading this.

This was just a little idea I got before falling asleep and knew I had to type it up right away before I forgot it.

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