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i walk out of my apartment door, making sure that it's locked, then make sure i have my money and i leave. i press the elevator button a few times, a bit impatient from how long the elevator door is taking to open. it eventually opens and i head in. i press the number "1" button and it heads down to the bottom floor. i walk to the sidewalk and start walking. i decide to go into the grocery store to see what i would need. i feel like i don't get out enough, so i just i want to go out basically anywhere. i grab a cart and head to the candy section. hell yes. i grab like 5 packs of normal oreos. oreos were always my favorite snack. i then hear a slight chuckle behind me. i look behind me and around. no ones there? "right here." i hear from the front of me. i look and i was not expecting to this man to be so tall! well i am 5'3 so almost everyone here is taller than me apart from little toddlers. "you're a short one, aren't you?" my breath stops, he has gorgeous skin, very tan and natural. his hazel eyes are beautiful and sparkly. and his long, dark, smooth hair is propped in a bun just fits him perfectly. his maroon turtleneck and black jacket looks great on him. and that accent, the accent is perfect and his chuckles adorable. i'm staring aren't i? crap. "you alright?" followed by a another slight chuckle. come on, say something! "uhhh....s-sorry i just- sorry." i put my head in my hands. "hey, it's alright." the tall and dark man says. he grabs my hands ever so gently and takes them off my face and lifts my head up so i'm looking into his gorgeous eyes, while giving me a smile.
that smile.. we stare at each other for what seems like forever and he removes his hand and straightens his back. "so um..is there a specific reason why you're buying so much oreos?" followed by another chuckle. "uh, no reason. i'm just a candy addict." he smiles and says "me too. we should get to know each other better. i'm paul van haver, call me paul. what's your name?" "i'm Y/N." i reply. "bonjour, Y/N." he says and grabs a pencil and small piece of paper out of his coat pocket and writes something down that i can't quite tell what it is. he folds it up and grabs my hand and puts the paper in my hand, while keeping his hand lingering in it for a bit before removing it. his skin is so soft as well. i can't name a flaw on this man. he kisses my hand gently and says "we'll meet again soon." and walks away with a smile and wave. i wave back and return a smile. i was certainly not expecting that at all but i'm glad i met him. i continue my shopping with the paper he gave me stuffed in my pocket. i purchase my things and head home. when i get home i put everything away and open the paper. in cursive handwriting it says Call Me followed by a heart and his number. i blush from the heart he added. does he...like me? i don't think so. i don't think i'm the type of person to have a crush on.. i shrug and decide to call him. after a moment or 2 he picks up. i hear "bonjour?" in a thick accent on the other line.
"hi paul. it's Y/N."
"oh! hello Y/N. how are you?"
"i'm doing well, what about you?"
"i'm fine. so i was wondering, do you have any plans tonight? i mean, you don't have to if you don't want to-"
"i'd love to!"
"really? i thought you'd say no because we just met about an hour ago.."
"no, you seem like a really nice man."
"so you seem to speak french. are you french?"
"close, i'm from brussels, in belgium. we speak french there."
"that's cool, i didn't know that."
"and sorry for english, my english sucks, i know.."
"paul, your english is actually really good."
"merci beaucoup. maybe some time i can come over and teach you some french."
"i'd like that. maybe tonight at 6."
"i'll be there!"
i tell him my apartment address, and we then talk about about other random stuff. we ended up talking for over an hour.
we eventually hang up and i get ready. like i'm not putting on a full fancy dress, i'm just showering and tidying up my apartment a bit. so he doesn't think i'm a total slob which i basically am. i take a 10 minute shower, and tidy up my apartment. my apartment looks so much better, and i smile. just in time, i get a knock at the door. i straighten my shirt and open the door. "hello." paul says with a grin. "hi! come in." he walks in the room "i like it." he says looking around. "thanks." i reply with a smile which he returns. he's adorable. "i'll be right back," i say. "make yourself at home." and i go into the kitchen. i open the cupboard and smirk as i get an entire packet of brand new oreos. i walk out with it. paul immediately smiles. "would you like some?" "i'd love some," he replies. "merci, Y/N." "de rien." i reply. he smiles at me speaking french. "you know some french?" he asks with like 5 oreos stuffed in his mouth, i laugh. "yeah, only a little bit though." he eventually swallows and says "maybe i can teach you a bit if you'd like. like i said on the phone." "sure. thank you paul." "you're welcome, i'd do anything for a pretty girl like you." i blush and smile widely. "you wanna help make dinner with me?" "uh, i don't know. i don't cook." "come on, it'll be fun!" i say and grab his hand with a smile. he smiles and says "oh alright." "yay!" and i bring him to the kitchen, hand in hand. "tonight we're gonna make our own little pizzas. how does that sound?" i say and look to him. "sounds fun."

"first we need aprons. i'll go get them be right back." i say and go to my pantry to get them. i return with 2 aprons and hand 1 to paul. "merci." he says with a smile, which i return. he puts his on and i put on mine.

after we make our dough we're supposed to knead it with our hands on a cutting board thing with flour. we set our boards side-by-side and i put the flour on our boards. we put flour on our hands, and our shoulders touch each other when we start kneading the dough. we look at each other and snicker. a few minutes pass by and i turn to paul and say "hey paul," he looks at me. "you have something on your nose.." "what, i do?" "yeah, right..." i take flour in my finger tips and touch his nose, causing flour to be on his nose. "here." i say with a smile. he grins and says "you have no idea what you've just started." oh no. he gets a lot more flour than i had before and caresses my cheek with the flour. we both laugh and i grab an entire handful of flour and throw it in his hair. "merde!" he yells while grasping his hair, i laugh while pointing at him trying to get as much flour out of his hair as possible, quickly failing. "you are so dead!" he yells again and chucks flour straight in my hair. i scream and he laughs. "PAUL VAN HAVER I'LL KILL YOU!" i start chasing him with flour in my hand, not realizing it's making a trail behind us, and i throw flour at him, expecting to hit his back, but instead he dodges it and it lands on my couch and my carpet. paul stops in his tracks and turns to see what had happened. he gains a rather shocked look on his face. "fuck.." i say with a miserable tone. he chuckles and says "pardon.." i look at him and say "what?" "that means sorry in french." "oh, no it's okay. i'll clean it up." "you don't want help?" he says with a surprised tone. "no, it was my fault because i started this, and i threw the flour. and it shouldn't take long to clean it up. but thanks for the offer to help." i say looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. "okay." he says smiling.

after we finish putting our toppings on and it finishes cooking, we cut our slices and we try our pizzas. i take his pizza. it's hawaiian. and i hate hawaiian. but i don't tell him this, i just go along with it. as i pick the slice he cut for me of his pizza up, he looks at me with the most brightest smile ever. i take a bite and i act like this was the best pizza i've ever had. well, i try. "mmm..!" i say kinda failing to sound like i actually like it. "aren't you gonna swallow it?" i pause for a sec, then i swallow. slowly. i nearly vomit. i carefully set the pizza slice down on the plate and say "okay, your turn. take a bite out of my pizza." it was just a plain pepperoni pizza. he takes a bite, and swallows. "i love it, it tastes good!" he says with a smile, causing me to smile. "well i better get going. this was a lot of fun. thanks for inviting me, Y/N." "anytime, paul." we stand up and head to the door together. he cups my cheeks and we look into each others eyes. a few times he looked down at my lips. he leans in and breaks the gap between us. our lips dance together for what seems like forever. we break for air and he kisses my hand and says "goodbye." with a smile and walks out. i couldn't even speak. i'm shocked. but i'm also happy at the same time. even though we only met today, i liked it. i will definitely invite him over again.

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