Hot To The Touch

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Warnings: hybrid au (so if you're not into that, don't read), boy x boy, gay stuff, anal, riding, powerbottom!Jihoon, Daddy kink, master kink, maid kink (if that counts), heat sex, a lot of questionable (but juicy) stuff. kinky, kinky, smut. enjoy

(A/N: this is one of my more recent fics - I actually think this is the most recent full length scenario I have written, but an anon requested that I post this one so here it is. fun fact: I originally wrote this for Jaycen because he said that hybrid fics don't interest him much, and in the original version, Jihoon was James and Soonyoung was Jaycen (and the reader character was me). I changed it around to be idol x reader because I thought you guys would enjoy it more, and because I thought it was too good of a piece to keep just within the Galaxy. so I hope you all enjoy. and if you have any other specific requests for what I should re-post next, please come and tell me, otherwise I'll just choose whatever I'll feel like. -Tanisha<3) 


The sound of knives and forks against plates was quiet in the air, setting the tone for gentle, easy conversation between friends, business associates. Said conversation hummed along easily, none of it really catching your attention, the smell of charred meat and expensive cologne pungent in the air. 

You hugged the back wall, feeling too hot, wondering if someone had messed with the thermostat, not wanting to believe it was almost that time of the month again. You knew your cheeks were pink and you hoped you hadn't gathered a visible sweat, wanting to stay presentable for your Master, even if your skin was itching and you wanted nothing more than to rip off the thick fabric of the frilly uniform dress he preferred you to wear.

Along with, you might add, a just as finicky frilled headband and stockings and shiny, uncomfortable shoes. Normally it made you feel cute, and important, and that was good – but tonight you were just too hot. Too keenly aware of each little frill pressing into your skin and how constricting the whole thing was from the moment after he had pulled up the zipper.

To turn your attention away from it all, you decided to actually listen in on what they were saying, Master and his friends; if you weren't mistaken, they were talking about you....

"It's just not something that piques my interest," Soonyoung spoke his mind confidently, shrugging, getting mixed responses from the rest of the men sitting around the table. "The idea, it just doesn't really do much for me,"

"Then you probably haven't met the right one," Jihoon insisted, picking up his glass and downing the last of his wine. As if to punctuate his words, the beautiful creature standing behind his left shoulder, eagerly clinging to the wall, waiting to serve him, stepped in with the wine bottle and refilled his glass. "They make excellent servants, I don't see how that wouldn't appeal to you," he tacked on, giving you a wink as you stepped back into your place.

"Servant... that's one word for it,"Joshua chuckled, choosing to keep his judging eyes locked on his plate.

"Cheol said they can be rather stupid," Jeonghan chimed in, seeing Soonyoung's perspective on the matter. "You really prefer a servant you have to babysit with mindless tasks over someone who's actually competent at their job?"

Soonyoung nodded, motioning to with his fork Jeonghan in agreement.

"That's because you have to get a decent breed. Not one of those cheep runts Cheol pitied and picked up off the street. Shelling out the extra cash is worth it," Jihoon explained.

"Not that it put a dent in your pocket," Seungkwan commented under his breath, absorbing the noise by speaking into his glass.

Soonyoung rolled his eyes at the younger. Though he, too, agreed with the observation.

Hot To The Touch (Hoshi/Soonyoung and Woozi/Jihoon Threesome Smut)Where stories live. Discover now