Chapter 1 Demons

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You were hanging out one day with your bff and your male best friend one day. Walking in the Montana mall. Your bff walked up and escalator. You watched as she rode up, laughing. "Mara what are you doing we need to get to the car!" She giggled going up, you and your male friend Justin watched. "Come on one more store!" You shook your head at her she got off the escalator and went to the other one going down. " You're no fun Y/N" She went down and you waited.

Suddenly something went wrong, the escalator started shaking violently. Your eyes widen as you watch the escalator fall through, the steps crashing, the bottom of it opening up to reveal big gears. The gears started turning and kept turning. Sending Mara and a few other people into the gears, sending them to their death and killing him instantly. The people went down screaming, murderous bloody screams, making a human smoothie of them all. You and Justin stopped everything and you began screaming of horror at what you just witnessed.

Months later you are in your apartment. in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, sitting on the sofa, watching Doctor Who. Why, cuz you're a nerd, judgy much? You sat there, tissues and hand, tissue box on the coffee table, cheeks dried from your tears. You were angry, sad, mourning the loss of your Mara. Suddenly, during the Doomsday episode, you heard a knock at your door. You muted the TV, and walked over to the door, opening slightly. Standing there were two guys dressed in nice suits. one with short spiky hair, and a little stubble, green eyes. The other was taller than the other. they both showed you FBI badges, " FBI, I'm Detective Dean Nipson and this is my partner Sam Bryson. can we come in and question you on your friend's death?" You nodded quietly and open the door the rest of the way. they came in, and took a long look around.

	" Sorry about the mess, I haven't cleaned up lately

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" Sorry about the mess, I haven't cleaned up lately. Could I get you a soda? Beer? Anything?" I asked, politely. " No, thank you." Dean said. You nodded and sat on your couch. Sam looked at me and asked, "So, what's your name?" You answered watching them sit down, "Y/N..... L/N." Sam nodded, "Y/n" He smiled looking agitated, " so you knew Mara well. did she have any enemies, anyone who may have wanted to hurt her." You shook your head, " I don't understand, please set her death was just a mechanical failure." You looked from Sam to Dean quickly, noticing him taking a picture you had on a shelf. Sam looked at his brother and cleared his throat. Teen look back, as if he got caught. "Sorry," he quickly apologized ", we just wanted to take in all the possibilities." You thought for a minute. " She did recently just break up with her ex, names David Lockett. Real control freak." Sam asked interested ", Control freak, what do you mean?" You clarified ", she broke up with him cuz he was obsessed with her. wanting to always know where she was at all times. He hardly wanted her hanging out with me. Had a real temper." Sam and Dean nodded. " Good, thanks. You wouldn't happen to know where he lived do you." You pulled a scratch piece of paper and quickly wrote down his address, giving it to Sam. " Thank you now if anything weird happens, call us." Dean gave you a card with their number on it. ", Anytime." You nodded and lead them out. then you went back to watching Doctor Who.

 Sam & Dean's POV

"She seemed nice," Sam said walking down the stairs to the passenger side of the Impala. " Yeah, a shame she lost her best friend," Dean got him Baby and looked at Sam. ", M maybe this David guy is a demon." Sam nodded and they both drove to the address Y/N gave them. It was a short distance, Dean and Sam getting out and knocking on the door. A gruff stern voice came from the other side of the door. "Who the hell are you and what do you want." the brothers held up they're fake badges. " FBI, we have questions on the recent death of your ex? Mara?" the door open to rebuild a shocked man, with a white T-shirt with food grease stains on it. whiskey bottle in hand, a joint in the other. " Mara Stevens? She's dead?" Sam knotted looking oddly at the messy man. " it was all over the news. and newspapers. On radio." David nodded hesitantly, stepping inside the house leaving the door open. " Mara and I didn't leave off that good terms I know. but that doesn't mean I killed her!" David shouted. do you notice the pills on the coffee table, sleeping pills, pain relievers, bipolar medication. They all said in the living room. "Y/N told us that you wanted to know where Mara was at all times. That's why she broke up with you, right? " Sam spoke first. "That's right, the b**** was untrustworthy I had to keep her in line." Dean nodded. " Did you ever hit Mara? " David looks shocked, " I know I'm bipolar crazy. But I had loved her, I'd never put a hand on her if I could help it."

Dean got up, " Look, where is your bathroom?" David told him the direction as Dean went off to search of any signs of demons. then suddenly got a call, picked it up. " Hello?" Dean answered, still looking around. The voice on the other end came out scared and shaky. " Dean? You told me to call you if anything got, weird." Y?N's voice came out, stopping Dean in his tracks. "Yeah, what's up?" Y/N pleaded " Dean it's my guy friend, Justin. Came at me with a dagger. His eyes turn black." Dean walked out to Sam " Have to go, now!" Sam nodded, getting up. "Where is he, Y/N? Are you hurt?" " I'm fine, I shut the door on him. He's outside." "Y/N, Put salt on all the exits and go to your bedroom Sam and I will be there as quickly as we can." 

Your POV

You were locked up in the back of your house, standing in the weird star that Dean told you to draw. You were panicky as you heard Justin try bursting in your front door. You didn't know what to do you were so scared. Soon you heard shots then lots of noise. Then yu heard Sam's voice ",Well that was easy," you got up from the floor below you bed. Slowly walking towards your front door. Then suddenly it's knocked down, and Dean's standing there holding a gun he looks at you. "Y/N! You're okay!" Dean exclaimed, he moved towards you and smiled. You looked at him quiet, then walked passed him to the hall, where you saw Sam standing over Justin's body. "What, what was he," you asked. "He was possessed by a demon," Sam answered, you wanted not to believe him, but you knew he wasn't lying. Knowing your friends were all dead, one tried to kill you, you couldn't help but let the tears in your eyes fall out. Sam walked towards you and wrapped his sturdy arms around you into a comforting embrace. You felt one hand rub your side, in a comforting way, Sam's chin on the top of your head. "It's okay, you're alright. You'll be okay," Sam whispered, you felt his breath on your hair as he talked. You just let yourself cry into his chest.

 Ello ELLO ELLO!!!!!!! SUPERNATURAL AM I RIGHT?! Please help me come up with someone to fall in love with. Dean, Sam, Cas, Crowly, Lucifer, Chuck! IDC I love them all so I can't decide. As smut? Fluff? Lemons? Are they okay for you. LET ME KNOW! Also look at wittle moosie!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SO CARING! :3

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