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I don't know how it happened, but I woke up to find myself in a completely different world of my own. But I felt...odd. something didn't feel right. Something felt….erm, different. I looked down at myself and screamed when I saw paws and claws.

I dash, nearly tumbling over to a river side to see what had happened to me. It appeared that I turned into a….dragon? But how? How did I turn into this?! This has to be a dream! Dragons aren't real!

As I shout at myself to wake up, I suddenly hear hysterical laughter.

“Glumshanks, look! It's just like the prophecy foretold! That a legendary new Skylander would appear here at this very spot!”

“ it was true after all.”

In front of me was a bald kid dressed in black, and beside him was a green goblin. These two...looked familiar somehow, but I don't know why.

“Skylander! You are mine!”


“You don't need to understand to cooperate! Listen-- your going to come with us to my castel. I promise you'll be treated well there! We even have cookies!” The kid adds.

“Erm...about that sir, we sorta ran out of them last week--”

SHUT UP!!!” The bald kid screams at his poor little friend.

“Now then...your going to come with us.”

Hmmm…. Should I really trust these two people? I mean-- they don't seem all bad. gut is telling me to run.

“But...why should I go with you?” I continued to ask why they wanted me to come along with them so badly.

“Because I said so!! Now come!” The kid raises his voice at me. I absolutely hate it when others yell at me. I was going to be nice and just go with them. I mean, they seem interesting. And they were even offering to give me cookies!

But I was mature enough to Know that I should definitely not trust these shady people I have only just met, so…

“Sorry and no thanks. Try not yelling at me next time and maybe I would actually agree to go with you.” I run off afterwards.

“Glumshanks!! Get her!” Shouts the bald kid.

“W-What!? W-Why me!?”

“Argh, why is everyone asking me so many questions!? Just go!!!”

“O-Ok!” With that, Glumshanks hurried to chase after me.

As I dashed ahead, I found myself stumbling and nearly tripping each time. I wasn't used to walking or running on four legs. But I had to keep going-- or those two will kidnap me for sure.

I realized as I ran that I had wings-- but the only problem, I have no idea how to use them.

“W-Wait! Please stop!” Glumshanks breathed heavily from far behind. He was trying to catch up to me.

“N-No!! What do you two even want?! Why do you want me so badly?!!” I shout out these questions as I continue dashing away, nearly falling over.

“Listen, weir not here to hurt you! We just want to bring you to our castel!”

“And for what!? All you creeps want is to kidnap me!”

“Please, it's ok to trust us! Weir not the bad guys! It's not really so bad in the castle! And I know master Kaos can seem...erm, a little mean but he's a pretty good guy when you get to know him!”

Hmmm….maybe it's silly of me to be running away like this. I mean, I've just woken up in an unfamiliar world, I've turned into a dragon, and these two people may be the only ones I can trust…

My mind began to change. Perhaps I should go along with them. I don't have much of a choice here, do I? I manage to stop myself vin my tacks. It was a smart decision to do. Because if I wouldn't have done that just now, I would have unmeaningly slipped and fell off the cliff inches away from me.

I looked below to see nothing but fog. Wow...must be a pretty high cliff.

I turn around to see Glumshanks. He finally caught up to me but held onto his knees as he breathed heavily.

“Please….I'm begging you to come with us.” He huffed.


I was still somewhat uncertain. But did I really have much else of a choice? They probably had the answers I was looking for.

“Ok….I promise to go with you both as long as you promise not to hurt me and as long as you answer all of my questions.”

Skylanders Academy: Kaos PathWhere stories live. Discover now