I Wish (Zayn Malik)

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Everything in italics are the lyrics to the song 'I Wish' by One Direction.

Zayn loved Alison. No, he loves her.

He always thought they were perfect together. Ali with her perfect long blonde hair cascading down her back like a waterfall, and her dazzling stormy grey eyes full of life and wonders.

They contrasted perfectly together, or so he thought. Everyone thought they would be the couple that would live happily ever after, and Ali thought so too. All until Zayn ruined everything for them.


Zayn’s POV

They were at a club now, him, Perrie, the boys and Ali. Ali was looking more gorgeous than ever in that skin tight black dress that reached mid thigh and hugged her curves perfectly.

“Al, babe?”Liam purred in Ali’s ear, making my grip on Perrie’s waist tighten. God, I hate it when he calls her Al.

“Yeah?”Ali asked Liam. Liam just kissed her cheek sweetly, making Perrie ‘aww’ at them.

“Let’s dance.”Liam said and took Ali’s hand and took her to the dance floor, not waiting for a reply. I inwardly cringe at the awful feeling in my stomach.

He takes your hand, I die a little

I watch your eyes, and I’m in riddles

Why can’t you look at me like that?

Ali was looking at Liam with pure adoration, love and trust in her beautiful eyes.  I couldn’t take this anymore. I let go of Perrie and rushed to the washroom. “You alright, mate?”Harry asked, noticing my rush. “Yeah, of course, I’m okay.”I replied with a forced smile.

I got inside the washroom, and thankfully, I was alone. I tried to calm myself down with deep breaths. I was suddenly reminded of a memory of Ali and I. A very old memory of when we hadn’t been dating.


 “Zee?” a voice asked, making me turn.

 I turned around to see Alison, she has been our friend for quite a few months, and I had been secretly crushing on her ever since we met. I thought it would go away, but it didn’t. Alison Smith had Zayn Malik whipped.

Just the sight of her made my heart beat 10 times faster. God, I was smitten.

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I’m near you

I loved it when she called me Zee. It was so cute. “Ali! Hi! What’s up?”I said, trying not to make a fool of myself in front of her.

“Oh, nothing much, just looking for some books for school. Very boring, I know.” she said and gave me that beautiful smile of hers. Yes, we were inside a bookstore. Thankfully, no one else recognized me.

“I have to rush. I’m really sorry, I promised Mum I’d make dinner. It was great bumping into you, though! I’ll catch you another time, okay? Bye!” she exclaimed with a smile and started walking out of the place.

“Bye! See you soon!” I replied. “Wait! Ali!” I added.

 “Yeah?” she asked me. This is it, I had to tell her how I feel. I had to ask her out.

When you walk by, I try to say it

But then I freeze, and never do it

My tongue gets tied, my words get trapped

“Erm, sorry, it’s nothing.” I said, shrugging. Smooth Zayn, very smooth.

“Okay, weirdo.” she said, rolling her eyes and walking out of the store.

I sighed and walked out of the store to my car.

*End of flashback*

I couldn’t ask her out that time, but eventually did after a month. I remembered how happy I was when she agreed to go out with me. I was over the moon.

But then I did it. I went to a stupid party and got wasted. I hooked up with not one, but two sluts who were very willing to do so. Seeing that I was Zayn Malik, obviously the word got out that I cheated on Ali. The boys didn’t speak to me for two weeks after they found out. They absolutely adored her.

I remembered the broken look her eyes held when she confronted me about it. I can’t explain how horrible I felt when broke up with me. Rightfully,so, my inner voice reminded me. Yes, she had every right to break up with me. I acted like a bloody douchebag. But that still doesn’t ease the pain in my chest when I see Liam and Ali together.

Yes, they’re together. Liam was the one who helped Ali recover after I broke her heart like the loser I was. Eventually, they grew feelings for each other and started going out. I can’t say that I wasn’t happy for them. I was happy for them, really happy because they truly deserved each other. Ali didn’t deserve a jerk like me, but it still hurt to see them together.

He looks at you, the way that I would, does all the things I know that I could

If only time could just turn back

I sighed and walked out of the washroom, I couldn’t be in there forever.

I got out and was greeted (note the sarcasm) with the sight of Liam and Ali dancing slowly, looking happy in each other’s embrace. Liam slowly leaned in and kissed her.

But I see you with him, slow dancing

Tearing me apart ‘cause you don’t see

Whenever you kiss him, I’m breaking

Oh, how I wished that was me

I really wished I was Liam at the moment. Karma’s a bitch, I thought.


With my hands on your waist while we danced in the moonlight

I was there, dancing with her. Dancing with Ali. Her face was buried in my chest, both our hearts beating to a wonderful rhythm. There is no other place I would rather be than right here with her, I thought.

Wait, what? What was happening?

I looked around and saw that we were in the same club but there I saw Liam, sitting along the bar with Danielle wrapped peacefully in his arms.

I pinched myself and realized I was actually with her!

And I remembered. I never cheated on Ali, we were together and I had broken up with Perrie long before I met Alison.

So I was just imagining all the previous things? I was with Ali for real! Yay for Zayn!

“Ali?” I asked her.

“Yes, Zee?” she replied with a smile.

I got three little words that I’ve always been dying to tell you.” I said.

“And what would that be?” she asked, with a smirk playing on her lips.

“I love you.”I finally tell her.


That's it,guys! It's done! Hope you liked it, have a great day, bye! Kisses<3

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