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I am a cunt. A big floppy cunt. I feel really bad about not updating, I’ve just been pretty busy lately with figuring out what school to go to and I’ve been on and off my meds. Everything is just pretty messed up, I guess. So I am truly sorry for not updating, as a little treat I’ll make this chapter as long as I possibly can to make it up to you - it didn't turn out that long in the end :C. Please forgive me for being a floppy cunt. I love you all!

Listening to Assassin’s Creed III Original Soundtrack – it’s pretty amazing btw!


I can’t believe he said that!? I thought he’d changed… I thought he… liked me. Stop being stupid Harry. This is Malfoy we’re talking about, he was just using you. Harry could feel the tears streaming down his face but he didn’t even care. He hated Draco for hurting him like this and he hated himself for still liking Draco despite of it. His head was a bundle of mixed emotions he couldn’t find heads or tails in.

 Why is this happening to me? He suddenly felt his leg give in beneath him as he stumbled forward before curling up against the wall. Had he known that this was how it felt to have your heart broken he would never have allowed himself to fall in love in the first place.

He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there, curled up against the wall when he finally dried his eyes. He couldn’t let anyone see him like this. He was weak. He ordered himself to stand up and put one foot in front of the other. He had to get himself together. He didn’t exactly know where he was going when a familiar voice appeared behind him.

“Hello Harry”, it was Dumbledore.

Harry turned around slowly facing the elder, “Dumbledore” he managed.

“I have something to show you” he smiled gesturing for Harry to follow him.

Dumbledore led the way to his office, “cockroach cluster” he said and a staircase appeared.

“You know, Harry… people are not always what they seem. Behind every person there is a story” the headmaster turned to Harry looking at him with a serious glint in his eyes, “you mustn’t judge until you know the story”

Harry furrowed his brows in confusion. He had no idea what Dumbledore was talking about, “what do you mean, Professor?”

Dumbledore smiled mysteriously grabbing a tiny bottle, “let me show you” he said taking Harry by the shoulder dragging him towards a stone tub… the Pensieve.

“Professor, I don’t understand..” Harry started but was stopped by a meaningful look from the Headmaster.

“You must know the story, Harry” Dumbledore whispered and the world began to blur.

For a moment, everything was black until Harry found himself alone on a hilltop looking over huge manor.

“Catch me if you can” Harry turned towards the sound. A little girl, maybe four or five, was running in his direction laughing madly. Behind hear came a blonde-haired boy not much older, Draco?

“You can’t run from me, Lydia. I am faster than you can imagine” the boy grinned closing in on the girl. He looked so happy, almost peaceful. Harry couldn’t help but smile. Was this really the Draco he knew? No… this was a younger, happier Draco.

The young Draco finally caught up to the girl, “gotcha” he laughed embracing the girl.

Harry felt the scenery change. He was inside a study now. The walls were dark and the whole room oozed danger.

“I am disappointed in you, Draco. After everything I have taught you” Harry directed his attention against the owner of the voice. It was a man he was quite familiar with, Lucius Malfoy. He was looking stiff and formal, his deep voice tinted with anger and disappointment. Standing in his shadow was a six-year old Draco, shaking with fear.

“I don’t understand, Father. We were just playing”

“Playing!?” Lucius shrieked, “you are not a child anymore, it is time for you to grow up. This girl, Lydia, is below your standing. I thought you knew that!”

“She’s no different from me. She’s…”

“She is impure. Her father is a mudblood and her mother…” Lucius shook his head in disgust, “a bloodtraitor”

Draco was crying now, his tiny shoulders shaking.

“Pathetic. You are no son of mine” Lucius spit out the words grabbing his son by the neck throwing him against the wall before storming out of the room, “I will not have you socializing with someone like her. Next time I see you near her I will not be this forgiving”

Harry could only stand silent in the corner. Unable to move his face was wet with tears. He wanted to take the crying Draco into his arms and keep him safe.

The room blurred and scenery changed again. He immediately recognized King’s Cross Station.

“Remember, Draco. The Malfoys have almost been placed in Slytherin and I don’t expect that to change. Understood”

“Yes, Father” Draco said keeping his eyes locked on the ground. Harry bit his lip, remembering the laughing blonde boy playing catch. He would never have guessed.

Third year. Malfoy Manor.

“How can she be better than you!? She’s a filthy little mudblood. You are shame to this family, Draco” Lucius’s face was red with anger.

“She just is, Father! I can’t help it” he was so vulnerable Harry almost had to look away.

“Then work harder” Lucius hissed smacking Draco over the head.

“STOP!” Harry screamed filled with indescribable anger but they couldn’t hear him. He felt helpless. “Let me out, Dumbledore. I can’t handle this. I can bear it” he whispered softly.

If Dumbledore could hear him, he didn’t listen because Harry was now in the Hospital wing.

Someone coughed in one of the beds. It was himself. Memories flooded his mind. Cedric. The Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort.

Someone was sitting beside his bed holding his hand but he didn’t recognize the person. Slowly he walked closer. Draco!? The blonde was sitting staring at Harry, his face a mask of sadness.

“I’m sorry, Harry. I should have warned you” a tear trickled down his face, “I’m so, so sorry.”

Suddenly Harry was back in Dumbledore’s office. Only one this was on his mind, I have to find Draco!

Please don’t ask me how Dumbledore got the memories. He’s Dumbledore, he’ll always find a way.

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