"Did anything new happen?" I texted my friends Ava and Gill on our Discord server. For a week now, we had been going back and forth about magic.

"Magic..." I sighed, fingering my necklace I had been given when I was little. It just appeared. It was on a silver chain, with a silver moon charm. This spark of magic began in me when I was little. Even at fifteen years old, and being a freshman in high school, I still strongly believed. Movies about kids with supernatural powers were always my favorites like The Incredibles and Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

Buzz buzz!

I glanced at my phone. Video call. I joined in, and the faces of my two best friends, Gill and Ava greeted me.

"Hi Jesse!" chirped Ava. She was so positive, she could make anyone smile.

"Hey look it's our big shot freshman!" jokes Gill, our group jokester.

"Hi Gill, Ava." I respond, smiling. They weren't too much younger, only about two to three years younger. But we were close. Especially as we began to reveal our past, our parentage. Magic. Real magic was entering our lives. At the time though, we didn't know what we were getting into.

"Jesse? You're daydreaming again." Ava says, concern in her voice.

"I'm okay." I replied. She sighed, leaning on her hands.

"Oh, that's the door. Hold on." Gill says, turning off his feed. Ava and I made some small talk, but when Gill didn't get back on, I began to grow nervous. Ava said she also heard the door, and left the feed. I turned off my video call, and nervously waited. Would I get a knock too? I had been hearing of teens mysteriously disappearing after a video interference on tbe news from someone named The Cipher saying how they were going to take over the world. Kids started dissapearing after that. Reminded me too much of my favorite game, Minecraft Story Mode.

"I gotta go. Mom's yelling for me to answer the door." Ava sighed, logging off. I could hear my mom screaming for me to do the same. I grabbed my knife, and walked to the door.

"Place this where your family will see it then come with me." said a female voice from under the hood. I took the envelop, and placed it on the stairs. A crest glimmered on the envelop. The Amulet of the Order. I followed the stranger out to a black van. She took driver and I took shotgun. Silence filled the van until we got on Route 2.

"Honestly this hood sucks. It's so hot." she complained, flipping it back as we drove on. Her long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, it all felt so familiar. I looked at her right eye. Red streaks.

"I should probably introduce myself. I'm Zia. You're Jesse right?" she asked.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. She smiled.

"Follow me in. You're friends are waiting." she said, parking the car next to a house. We walked inside, and there was Ava and Gill, chatting on the couch.

"Jesse!" they shouted, running up to embrace me.

"Hi guys!" I said happily.

"Not to interrupt, but we have important business to deal with came a male voice.

"Most importantly, your training and developing of your powers." added a female. I turned, and my jaw hit the floor. There was Rain and Venus, two more OCs in reality.

"Powers?" I asked. Zia nodded.

"Dragon fire." she said, and a flame leaped to life in her palm, and she lit the fireplace. The fireplace gave the den a nice, warm, homey feeling.

"These powers will hopefully hold the key to defeating Cipher." Venus muttered.

"So how do we have powers?" asked Ava as she sat down on the couch.

"Very simple. We had been as normal as a demigod could get. But when you created us to have powers, our own powers grew stronger. Like how I as the son of Poseidon could create floods, I now also have fighting abilities. Which means Gill would end up with something like the opposite of my powers, such as alf seidr. Elf magic." Rainmin explained

"Since I am the daughter lf Hecate, I have black magic, which means Ava has much weaker black magic then I do, but she has enough that she can open inter dimensional portals." Venus explained.

"Like Voyd from Incredibles 2!" I say.

"Precisely." Venus agreed.

"But, what about me?" I asked.

"Jesse, your powers are unknown. Most of these powers seem to be opposites of us." Zia explained.

"So mine have to be the opposite of yours." I concluded.

"Perhaps a test of how strong your powers are could help?" Venus suggested.

"I'll go." Gill says. He stands up, raising his hands. A warm feeling spreads into my heart.

"Your heartbreak Jesse." Ava whispers in awe. I felt happy, comforted. The glowing dissipates, healing my mental scars.

"Impressive." Rainmin says.

"You try Ava." I say encouragingly. She concentrates on a light, and a small orb goes flying around before leaping back into the light.

"Nice!" Venus complimented. Everyone was looking at me. I had to have powers, right? I walked to the fire, and I concentrated. Nothing.

"Jesse I-" Gill began.

"LOOK OUT!" Ava shouted, pushing me out of the way as the fire leaped out of control.

"Zia!" shouted Rainmin. Zia thrust her hand forward, but nothing happened.

"I can't stop it, something's blocking my powers!" Zia exclaimed.

"Get everyone out Zia. Rain, try and stop the fire!" Venus exclaimed. Rain closed his eyes, concentrating.

"I can't!" he exclaimed. Venus turned towards where me and Ava were standing.

"Get out guys!" she screamed. Ava ran to the door, jiggling the knob.

"Locked!" she exclaimed. I looked at the fire and concentrated. A purple flickering force field surrounded the flames.

"Whoa..." everyone muttered. I collapsed to my knees.

"Hurry... Field... Won't last!" I say breathily. Zia, Rain and Gill run through the field without getting hurt. The flames disappear and I pass out from the strain.

Power (Book 1 of the Demigods series)Where stories live. Discover now