Part 9

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"Uh yeah", i say 

I grab my clothes and phone then stand up.

"Lets go", he says

I follow him downstairs and i see a huge mess. I snicker and we walk out the door. I tell him the address, and he drives there. 

"Again i am sorry about last night", i say 

"No its really fine, it was nice to talk to you", he smiles while he stares at the road

"Awe thanks from what i can remember it was nice talking to you", i reply 

He laughs

"So what is it like being "famous"", i say breaking silence 

"It has its perks, but its really hard", 

"Yeah i bet, like you have so much pressure and if you make one mistake everyone hates you"

"Exactly, i feel like its harder being well known rather than not"

"Yeah i get you"

"But i am thankful everyday for pursuing my dream"


"What do you want to do after highschool?"

"I am not sure yet"

"Well damn"

"Yeah i know"

"Well it is hard making your final decision"

"Yeah it is and it sucks because i never had anyone to push me to do better than i did so i don't even know if could make it into a college"

"What do you mean by that?",

"Before i moved here i lived in North Dakota with my mom, and her boyfriend and she never cared about me or what i did, she only cared about her self and her money."

"Damn i am sorry"

"No its okay it is what it is"

I shrug and he pulls into Marissa driveway.

"Thanks so much Nick", i say getting out of the car

"Hey no problem any time",

"I owe you", i laugh

"Well you know what you can make it up to me right now"

"How so"

"Give me your number" 

I blush and give it to him. I wave and knock on her door. 

"Finally now tell me why you stayed there", she says as i walk inside 

I sit down and tell her everything

"Do you like Nick?", she asks

"I don't know, i think so", i answer

"What about Zion?"

"Exactly what i am thinking"

"Well i think you should go after Zion, its obvious he likes you"

"He has a girl friend"

"So she is a bitch take him from her"

"Yeah but i dont know, i wanna give Nick a chance"

"Hey that is my advice but i will support who ever you choose"


"One week and guy drama"

"This will be a long ass year"

We get up and walk to her room. 

"I am exhausted", i say sitting down

"Same here, do you wanna stay the night again?"

"Yeah i will text my brother"

"Okay well i am gonna nap"

"Same here"

She crawls in one half of the bed. I pull out my phone and text Clayton

Amira: i am staying at a friends house 2nite

I dont wait for a response, i lock my phone and lay it down and slowly fall asleep.

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