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Hey my peeps, welcome to my second book. My first book is already out and completed so go check that out. If you don't honey what are  you doing?

For all y'all who don't know who I am well I'm Kerry-ann aka Kay K and I'm a writer.

I hope you enjoy my second masterpiece and don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy.

For those of you who are reading this book before reading my first book, this is the story of Bobby and kelly.

Anyways Instagram: _KayK___
Snapchat: Kayk_78

Anyways here's the prologue.

Kelly's prov.

I can't believe 4 year of Business school is over. Four years ago I first walked into this room, four years ago I met Sofia my roommate who's now my bestfriend. Four years ago I met my Bobby, my love. And now that this four years are over, life still continues maybe even better.

In a week I'll be leaving to head back home, back home to New York.

"Are you ready babe?" Bobby ask walking through the door.

"What if I was naked?" I asked startled.

Smirking he replied "I wouldn't mind."

Shaking my head I finish strapping up the heels I was putting on.

"Ok ready" I said taking up my clutch.

We then walked out together towards a rented car and off we went to a fancy restaurant.

Pulling up he got out and came around to open my door while handing the valet his keys.

We entered the restaurant and got excorted to a private area around a table made for two.

"This is lovely Bobby" I told him looking around.

"I'm glad you like it" he answered.

The waiter came to take our order and after we got engaged in a conversation.

After dinner he took me to our spot, it was a very deep cliff. We stumbled upon it one afternoon when I was upset with him and wander off on our little picnic, he wasn't happy when he found me at a cliff edge crying.

I was lost in the beautiful moon that shines brightly, after all I am a lover of the moon. I felt him wrapped his arms around me whispering three words I'll never get use to hearing.

'I love you'

We spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other company until it was time to head back to our dorms.

The next morning I woke up to Sofia hang over moaning from a headache. I got her some pills to ease the pain then we talked for a bit until she left and I felt this was the perfect time to tell my dad about Bobby.

"Hey daddy" I said through the phone after he picked up.

"When are you coming home?" He asked "the company is here waiting for you" he added.

A little thing about my dad is, he's a business man, he owns his own shipping company that's located in multiple areas in America. He is very old school and strick and has a tendency to want to stick with tradition no matter what.

"So daddy I've been dating this guy for 4 years now and when I get back I would like to introduce you to him fully?" I asked ignoring his question.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" he asked.

"No daddy it's not" I told him.

"You know our tradition kelly" he told me.

"But I love him" I confessed with tears in my eyes.

There was a long pause, and boy did my anxiety started kicking in.

"Daddy" I said.

"Break up with him immediately" he says.

"What? No I will not" I told him.

"You better break it off kelly" he warns.

"Why daddy?" I asked feeling the tears coming down.

"You can't be with him, break up with him at once or else you will not inherite my company" my father said screaming to me over the phone

"Father I love him, I love him so much" i cried to my father to change his mind.

"You cannot love him, you are already chosen to be engaged to Antonio Fernandez, as you return you will be announced as the new boss of Thompson shipping company and your engagement announcement will also be made at a ball I am hosting, so get rid of this young man you so claim you love" my father shouts hanging up the phone.

'I can't live without Bobby' i said to myself. That night i went to bed dreading to wake up the next day knowing I'll have to break two hearts. Mines and my loves.


I zoned out while Bobby was talking. I zoned out because I didn't know how I'll survive without him worse I don't know how I'll ever break it off with him. It's been a couple of days and today is tuesday, Bobby flight is leaving in two days while mines leaves in a couple of hours. But he doesn't know that.

I thought maybe I could explain everything to him but that would just hurt more.

I turned around watching him pack his bags. I studied him, so tall, dark and handsome. The perfect man for me.

"I'm gonna miss you but I hope not for long" he says to me standing from his bent position.

"I'm gonna miss you too Bobby, alot" i said going over to hug him.

"It's ok babe, I'm coming back for you" he told me.

The thing is Bobby knows nothing about my dad or what he does or even the fact that I live in New York just like he does. He thinks I've lived here all my life because I know so much about this country but I only know because my mom and I ran away to live here for 5 years before we were found and taken back home to my father.

I started sniffing feeling my emotions raising but I need to do this before I break apart and change my mind, which would not end well for either of us.

"Babe don't cry we won't be apart for long" he says assuring me.

I moved away from him, whipped my tears and said the one thing I never wanted to say to him.

"I want us to break up" i told him then walked away leaving him frozen, confused and hurt.

Alright guys I'll update soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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