Prologue: Blizzard

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People screamed as the blizzard came through the Hidden Leaf, Shikamaru ran and tried protecting his precious son who rode on his back, his blue eyes watered and black hair became white as his father carried him. Shikamaru came to a stop at a shack in the woods and put his baby boy down, his eyes watered.

"I'm so sorry, but you'll be safer here"

Shikamaru left and the boy stayed in the shack, crying.

"Hm? Who's this?" A muscular man said a few days later, he found the young Nara boy unconscious and took him to his home in the Hidden Rain, he introduced him to his son, who became quick friends with the young Nara.

The muscular man and his wife had talked about what happened and decided to keep the Nara in their safe hands. From that day forward the Nara was treated as part of their family and was given the name Nathaniel.

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