Stolen flowers

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Sometimes I steal flowers from your garden. Actually, it's pretty usual. At first they were just so pretty and I wanted to share their beauty. I told myself it would only be one time, but I couldn't help it. She loved them so much. I began giving them to her every time we met. I think it first started two years ago it was so sweet how her whole face lit up. Thank God she didn't ask where I got them. I don't think she would have been happy about me stealing them from the house on the way to her house. She did mention that they looked just like yours. She was always so in awe of your flowers. I just couldn't keep myself from stealing them every time I went to see her. I always wanted to see her face light up the way she did the first time I brought her your flowers. Today was unlike any other day. Well other than the fact that you caught me. The boy that had been stealing your flowers for the past two years. You finally caught the flower thief. Honestly, I thought you have been a little angrier. I mean I've been stealing from you for two years, but you calmly came to me and asked one simple question. "Why are stealing my flowers?" I, of course, didn't lie because while you could call me a thief I will never be a liar. I told you of the girl who's face lit up the very first time I gave them to her although it was such a simple gesture. Your response was so sweet and so genuine. You immediately demanded to come with me to meet the "girl who is pretty enough for flower theft". I had been stealing from you for two years and it was the least I could do. I kind of owed it to you. So we started walking. It was only a short ten minute walk, but I soon realized how was supposed to tell you that we weren't going to a house. That we weren't going to knock on her parents door. We weren't going to meet up at the nearby park, or the nearby store. The ten minutes seemed like forever, with me racking my brain trying to figure out any way to just blurt our where we were actually going. I couldn't do it I couldn't say the words. How was I supposed to break it to you that we were going to a cemetery? That you wouldn't see her face light up the way I once did. That she wouldn't be able to tell you how beautiful the flowers were. That you wouldn't get to hear her beautiful voice, see her precious smile, or get to know her amazing personality. It was a quite ten minutes. You were so calm. I had only known you for such a short time, but I could tell I liked your personality. When we got to the cemetery you didn't react. You still seemed calm, unfazed. I slowly walked to her grave. I took the flowers I stole from your garden and laid them down. You calmly watched as I sat down. You soon did the same. We sat in silence for want seemed like a while. It was a comfortable silence. The kind that makes you feel relaxed and calm. I didn't realize it then but you were the first person I ever introduced to her. I never got to bring her home to my parents. My siblings never got to pick on me about being in love. Of course, my family had heard of her death, it is such a small town. But none of them knew what she had meant to me. It was only a year after that first flower I brought her that she had passed away. The first flower that I stole from you. Little did I know it was the first of so many more.

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