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Veronica's p.o.v.
"Keep running, ignore the way your heart beats for him or how nervous you get around him!"

"Just a little further!"

"No! I'm caught!"

"Cheryl! It's a damn video game please stop pretending like it's some douche who stood you up on a date!" I get tired of her mini panic attack.

"But Ronnie! He keeps catching me and comes out of no where! What's the point of this game anyway," she huffs as she tosses her phone down onto her red furry couch before going to the kitchen and taking a box of uncooked spinach from the fridge.

"It's a she. And the game is Granny, the point is that she catches you and you try your hardest to get out of her House obviously" I groan as I give up and flop onto the couch before looking at Toni who hid her laughter. Welcome to my life; I'm Veronica, aka Ronnie, aka V, aka the loner that gets picked on by dicks. I wasn't always like this, I had parents. I still do. Who knows where they're at now though, probably somewhere in Narnia sucking each others faces as they live their rich life.

I was tired of living the perfect life; it wasn't perfect. Panic attacks every day, social stress disorder, and to top it off; parents that didn't give a damn about me..

Cheryl, she's my best friend. Her and her girlfriend Toni. I'm lucky I found her on sweet water river. If it weren't for that day; who knows where I'd be.

We both had family issues, our family simply wasn't a family anymore. We finally built up the courage to leave our dreadful pasts together and moved to New York; renting a small little condo that fit for both of us but was affordable.

It was about a year ago when we first met, we'd been inseparable ever since that day. She met Toni I guess this month but they've been very supportive of each other and I don't feel like a third wheel when I hang out with them.

"Exactly, please calm down babe," the pink headed former serpent spoke to her over dramatic girlfriend who pouted at us before plopping down to the couch and shoving the spinach in her mouth.

We were all vegans so our food diet was highly affordable and the best; our cheat meals were pretty similar too. Me and Toni both having the same love for vegan nachos.

"You two are no fun; I'm trying to gain my bitchiness back before we go back to Riverdale," the red head continued to pout at us and we eventually gave in.

"Fine we'll play along" Toni smiled and I nodded with a sigh as we all stood up and grabbed our shoes before heading out.

I wore simple gray sweats with a black tank top and my comfy white sneakers; I had a comfy yet cute style if I do say so myself. And I do.

Toni wore a red and white polka-dot crop top with some tight blue mom jeans and her red shoes, her hair in a half up half down.

Cheryl being Cheryl wore her red matte lipstick with her red dress that clung to her waist but was ruffled and loose past that.

"Vegan cafe?" Toni asks and we all nod before heading out of the door and making our way to the cafe.

"Oh my god!" Cheryl exclaimed in excitement, causing me and Toni to look at her in shock. She rolled her eyes before continuing. "Jughead Jones is sitting there with Reggie Mantle!" She added and we looked at her, this time more curious than before. I heard of them but never really cared because, what the hell do I know about douches.

"Wow we're so expressed," Toni made a fake face in awe and I giggled at her before giving her a high five at her mini roast.

"Bitches," Cheryl mumbles and we all laugh as we walk into the cafe, my eyes meeting with a raven haired guy who sent me multiple small glances.

"It's rude to stare," Toni shook me back to reality and I scoffed at her with an embarrassed smile as I felt my cheeks go pink. I let out a small laugh. "I wasn't staring, if anything he's staring at me," I say as I flick the loose curl behind my ear and sat down onto the leather booth.

"What's so popular about this Jughead and Reggie?" Toni asks and I mentally thank her because I knew if I ask Cheryl would send me a retort. We snapped our fingers in her face to stop her from staring at the brown haired boy with a boxed jawline as she finally looked back at us. "Isn't Reggie Mantle so hot?!" She exclaimed and I rolled my eyes but giggled as Toni began to bicker with her for calling some guy hot.

"I'm gonna go order," I state before getting up and dusting myself off. "You know our orders correct?" Toni lifted her eyebrow and turned her back on Cheryl, they'll make up later though I'm sure of it. "Of course she does it's Ronnie, she knows what we like," Cher answered and I sent her a proud smile before nodding. "Okay, Vegan nachos for me and Toni with a non-fat vegan mocha latte. And a strawberry vegan non-fat  milkshake with extra whip cream on the top for our red headed queen," I smirk and they send me a nod at the same time before I twirl and walk away.

I walked up to the counter and ordered our every day meals, also ordering me a protein shake because I knew our daily routine; eat fat foods then workout to stay skinny legends!

Finally the order was ready and the milkshake came first, I decided to just carry it to her so the rest would be quick to carry. Yep this is my fun little non important life, Toni and Cheryl were the most important people in the world to me. We have each others backs no matter what.

I look down at the milkshake and make a scoff as they forgot her cherry so I turn quickly then say forget it and turn back towards the table booth but before I began to walk I stumbled on something and almost immediately fell.

I closed my eyes and waited to hit the floor but suddenly realization came into place that I wasn't moving anymore, causing me to slowly open my eyes. The black haired boy looked into my eyes with a smirk playing onto his lips and my heart beat increased by ten, this is so embarrassing! "Most girls fall into my arms but you're the first that's literally fallen into my arms," the cocky guy spoke and I stand straight on my feet before shoving him away slightly.

"As if! I just tripped," I found the courage I had to speak up and I take the milkshake out of his hands quickly before looking back at him and gulping. "Well don't pretend like you don't know who I am," his smirk still danced on his lips and I was mixed with emotions, he's a total hunk but a total douche. Do I smack him clean across his face or flirt, suddenly I did the unexpected, I...
To Be Continued...
This is an idea I had and I wanted to try and write it out, should I continue or drop it?

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