snowy days// jungkook

26 1 0

9:30 AM

"Did you bring the carrot, love?" Jungkook asked, looking over at his girlfriend.

"Yes I did!" She smiled and reached into the plastic bag they packed for this specific reason. It had included 3 rocks from their collection, one hat they had crafted together with crafting foam and a hot glue gun, and just a carrot from the veggie drawer in their fridge.

[y/n] took out the bright orange vegetable from the clear and wrinkled bag as she let it free into the breezy and chilly air of the city of Busan: her boyfriend's birthplace. As she placed the top of it in between her index finger and her thumb, Jungkook did the same but with the bottom part.

"One..." He began.

"Two..." She continued.

"Three!" The lovers said in sync as they added the final touch to their now, completed snowman!

[y/n] smiled proudly. Jungkook took this moment of his girlfriend's distraction to his advantage as he placed his soft lips onto hers, gifting her a quick and short kiss.

She giggled adorably to herself and he took his phone out from his pocket to quickly snap a photo of her angelic laugh in action. It was picture perfect.


"J-Jungkook! Be careful!" [y/n] exclaimed nervously.

"Calm downnnn, you're panicking too much! This tree is really really strong! And by the way, HIIIII!" He exclaimed, looking at his girlfriend who was on the ground, awaiting for his return from the tree branch.

She played with her fingers and prayed he would turn out okay from the tree he was climbing.

See, this is what had happened.


"Ouuuu! Look at the sky!" [y/n] said, pointing at the upper atmosphere sprinkling differed snowflakes. "Imagine getting a picture of that!" she smiled.

As the whipped boy that Jungkook is, he'll do anything to make his girl happy. Even if it means climbing the tallest tree in this park.

"I'll get it." He said taking out his phone. She smiled to herself, thinking he would take it from the ground, pointing the camera upwards. Which he did do, until he scanned the park for the biggest tree. When it came in sight, he held [y/n]'s hand and lead her to it.


And this is what a small, hopeful statement lead to.

"Kookie! It's okay! I promise!" She frowned.

"Nope, Nope, Nope." He blew kisses at her from up high before snapping photos of the moment that the sky looked prettier than usual. She looked at him as she moved in sync with even the smallest motion he did. Even if it was moving the position of his elbow, her arms wide open to try and catch him in case the clumsy boy fell.

With swift movements, clutching and stepping onto branches, he was down to the lowest one which was 5 feet above the ground.

[y/n] ran over. "You're here!" He laughed and hopped off.

"I got your pictures. And I missed you." He said, showering the girl with kisses and pulling her into a tight hug.


"Hey, your scarf is off. Put it back on." He frowned as he took it from her hands and adjusted it onto her. She smiled as his protective side came out.

Do not be fooled when Jungkook does lots of cute actions towards her, because she's just as in love as he is.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat up and the two walked to the coffee shop nearby.

Holding hands, through their matching, fuzzy mittens. He fixed her beanie and opened the door for her, being the gentleman he is.

They both let out a relieving sigh, finally escaping from the cold winter weather as they went up to the counter and placed an order of two hot chocolates and two chocolate chip muffins. They gathered napkins and took their order to the table for two that they always sit at.

Jungkook let out a gasp when [y/n] brought out the warm muffins from their bag. "They're even warm?" He asked. She smiled and nodded as she slid over the pastry and hot beverage to his side of the table.

The two spent the time munching, sipping, talking, and loving. After a while of doing so, Jungkook just had to do it. Had to.

"Hey [y/n]?" he questioned, sliding over his half eaten muffin to her.

"yes?" she said and sipped her hot chocolate.

"Nice buns." He laughed and hit the table at how hilarious he is.

[y/n] laughed too. "These?" she questioned, picking up both muffins as she took a bite out of both.

He smiled. "I love you." Then his smile left. "But give me my muffin."


The two collapsed onto their shared bed after the fun morning adventure they had just gone on. There were many good laughs and many loving moments, but they woke up earlier than usual so of course they'd be tired when they arrived back home. Jungkook yawned as he pulled her close to her.

"Love you." She mumbled, literally already half asleep.

"Me more." He replied.

"No me moo-" She tried but sleep overcame her.

"It'll always be me more." He responded with a soft smile, falling asleep shortly after as well.

snowy days// jeon jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now