A Walk in the Woods

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'New home. New school. New people. Hopefully I don't get bullied too fast... I don't think I'll tell anyone I'm gay... at least until I have a few friends.' I think to myself, just as we pull up to our new place.

"Well Kevin? What do ya think of our new place?" My mother said as she stepped out of the car. My father quickly followed.

"I don't know, it looks kind.... old." I replied as I stepped out of the car too. It really did. It was a yellow color, with broke wood everywhere near the entrance. The roof is a dark red color, with parts of the roof missing. I'm pretty sure it's haunted.

"Oh, hush. We'll hire someone to fix it up." My mother said to me with an annoyed tone.

"I'm going to go have a run in the woods behind our house. Don't worry, I have my phone and the GPS." I assured her.

"Okay baby. Be back before 8:00 P.M." she said, and with that I left to go into the woods.

As I walked into the woods, I felt like I was being watched. I chose to ignore it and enjoy the scenery. It was truly a sight to see....

I kept walking for a few....hours. Anyway, it started to get dark, so I got up from where I sat on a cliff to the sea. I had walked a few miles. As I started heading back, I heard a little twig snap behind me.

"Hello?" I asked, as I twirled around. After a few seconds of silence, I turned back and started jogging. Another few twigs snapped. "Who's there!?" I sai- I sniffed the air. Mmmmnnn..... I smell honey. And freshly fallen pine....

What is that? Where's it coming from? I heard someone or something sniff the air too. "Hello?" I asked one more time. However, now someone came out from the side of the tree so I could see him.

He's... he's.... handsome. He looks to be about 6'3", he has black hair, tan skin, and gorgeous blue eyes... who is he....?

"Who are you?" I ask him, wanting to know his name. He doesn't reply. He's just standing there, looking at me with wide eyes. It's actually kinda creepy.

"I said, 'Who are you?" I ask again. This time though, he replies.

"I-I'm... B-B-Brandon. A-And you are?" He says to me, almost seeming nervous near me... strange.

"I'm Kevin. Why were you following me?" I ask him, half of me wanting him to leave, while the other half begging him to stay.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just... I smelled something, something amazing. And I had to come see what it was." Brandon explains to me.

"Ummm... well I smelled something too. What did it smell like?" I asked, continuing to ask him questions.

"It smelled... wonderful. It smelled of rose petals and freshly fallen snow." He says to me, a hint of admiration in his tone.

"Mine was honey and freshly fallen pine. Umm... I-I have to go. What school do you go to?" I ask, wanting him to say-

"Griffin High School. I'm guessing you do, too?" he says, as a smile appeared on his face... he looks so cute.

"Yep! Well, I got to go. See you later?" I tell him.

"Yeah... b-bye K-Kevin." He says, before walking away.

I try to gather my thoughts...

Yeah, let's not talk about what I'm thinking...

I head back home, just to be greeted with a ton of boxes, an angry father, and a worried mother.

'This is gonna be a long day....' I think to myself. Hopefully, it'll be better at school tomorrow... yeah. It'll get better! I'll get to see Brandon.

I can't wait for school!

Well?? I think I did good, considering it's my first story.

Anyway, hello readers!! I hope to update every once in a while. I don't have a set day, but maybe that'll change throughout the story!

I'll see you all again the next time I write. BYE!!! 👋🏼

-691 Words-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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